My Morning(Not long + Question)


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Well heres my morn. Me n my paps drivin around lookin to see if the turks are moving. We see a lone jake 150 yards down a field, he runs. Just north, we see a hen crossing the road in the pole timber. We get to my field, and in the middle there is 4 hens plus a strutting tom. I try to sneak down the logging road right beside the field and hes hitting me but then they spook. Moving to a new spot 4 hours later, I scare a jake and he books it right in front of me, using my bow so I can't get a shot off.

Question: When you spook a tom, depending on how far he runs, is it possible he might stop and come back to your calls? Or is he gone for good most of the time?

Question: Should I have walked down the logging road one over from the one I walked down? I can't help but think they either saw me or heard me. But, I couldn't see them so I don't know hwo they could see me (thick bush between field and road) . They were about...25 yards through some bush and 60 yards out into the field.

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