Abortion Clinic


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This isin't really worth being a thread but I thought I would post it anyway...hey...it's another check in the box towards Monster Buck grin.gif

Anyway, I been here up here in Mass for about 5 months I guess now. I just realized today that right around the corner from work is a Abortion Clinic. I noticed it because we went out for lunch and when we passed, there were about 8 or so protesters out in front. What caught my eye was a person dressed in a grim reaper outfit grin.gif. I thought it was pretty funny. The place is actually called Worcester Planned Parenthood...which is obviously an abortion clinic. Just thought I would share...I never realized that there before grin.gif You ever do that...drive past something for a long time and then one time out of the blue realize that it even exsisted grin.gif

Yeah whatever, you guys are boring too with some of your threads some of you come up withgrin.gifgrin.gifj/k

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Re: Abortion Clinic


Well, I am not a betting man but if I was, I would say that this is indeed an abortion clinic. Why else would you have protesters out there confused.gif Plus this is Massachusetts so it has to be....these people are weird up here grin.gif

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The ones I speak of are dead in the heart of Ohio's bible belt, I can promise no abortions are being done there. Im sure each state has its own priorities.....and like you said it is Mass.

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Re: Abortion Clinic


planned parenthood? isn't planned murder a bit closer. seems more women become murderers than parents.

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what the??? Man, if there was ever a time someone should keep there opinions to themselves, I think this is it. confused.gifmad.gif

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Re: Abortion Clinic

Planned Parenthood and an abortion clinic are two completely different entities. One counsels young mothers, unwed or otherwise, as to their options as far as giving birth to the child, putting the child up for adoption, or having an abortion. The other one just performs the actual abortions.

I'll never in my life figure out why the conservatives are so against a group that is there to assist a pregnant woman as to her options regarding the child she is carrying. I guess they feel that the only organization that would be worth supporting in the neo-cons eyes is one that tells a young mother to be to keep the child and deal with it because she could have said no. But that isn't always the case.

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Re: Abortion Clinic

Nope, it's official...it's an abortion clinic. Wow, how can that be Slugshooter...I thought you said that they were two different things. Well, I guess not here grin.gif.

I figured it was, why else would they have protesters out there. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

I guess they counsel and murder there grin.gif

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Re: Abortion Clinic


planned parenthood? isn't planned murder a bit closer. seems more women become murderers than parents.

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Hmm... I like to take the middle ground on these instutuions. I'm pro choice to an extent. If the woman is pregnant for 3 months she should be forced to have the child unless its gonna kill her.

As we all know not everyone keeps their chast till marriage. Young girls make mistakes. This is why these institutions are pivitol. If a girl is having serious though about having sex. She has a place to obtain birth control and maybe another person to talk to about sex before she goes on with it.

I'm sory if i offend you pro life people. I'm in the middle on this. I'ma say it blunt. Not all teenagers keep their pants on lol. They make dumb mistakes. And a child is a not an accident, that can't be discarded. And the only way to prevent these kind of mistakes is birth control and in some cases abortion. Or better yet abstinence. Which is a very hard thing for kids to do in this day and age.

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Re: Abortion Clinic

It's pretty simple Mike.

They changed the meaning of the word "murder", by replacing it with the word "abortion" a few years back. Now they have replaced the word "abortion", with the words "planned parenthood".

That's how this modern world we live in does things these days eh. They just do a little redefining and renaming. Makes it all good...more pleasing to the ears .. didn't ya know ? crazy.gif

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Re: Abortion Clinic

The problem with some kids though is the fact that the first abortion does not stop them. I know a girl that had 6 abortions before she was 18. Another that had 3 before she was 19. The problem is repeat abortions. Most of them don't learn the lesson because it was so easy for them to just get the abortion done.

My wife made the mistake when she was young. She was 16 when she had her first kid but she stood up and took the responsibility. She went to school, worked, and spent time with the kid. People wanted her to have an abortion but she simply told them no and for that I have the utmost respect for her.

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Re: Abortion Clinic


My wife made the mistake when she was young. She was 16 when she had her first kid but she stood up and took the responsibility. She went to school, worked, and spent time with the kid. People wanted her to have an abortion but she simply told them no and for that I have the utmost respect for her.

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I think anyone who has any common sense would have the utmost respect for your wife. And your right, they make it too darn easy to have an abortion. Kudos to your wife wink.gif

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Re: Abortion Clinic

I am pro-choice through and through, but I don't agree with abortion as a method of birth control, where the girl can be as promiscuous as she wants to be and if she gets knocked up she just goes and has the abortion and is done with it, she's be better off just taking the pill, I would think repeated abortions would mess some things up eventually inside a woman. There was a story a year or so ago about a woman whose baby died in childbirth even after repeated warnings from the doctor that she needed to have a c-section because the baby wouldn't survive a natural birth, she didn't want the c-section because she didn't want the scar, this woman was so huge that even if she had a remaining scar you wouldn't have been able to see it from all the folds. I think that the woman should have been prosecuted, I don't think she was though.

I also don't know where this crap is coming from that minor girls shouldn't need parental permission for an abortion because it is a private matter. I tell you what, if I had a little girl under the age of 18, she has no private matters until she is of legal age. It's the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard of, she can't buy cigarettes, beer, get into a club, still in high school, but she can have a medical procedure done without parental permission even though any other type of medical procedures for someone under 18 must have parental permission.

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Re: Abortion Clinic

religon politics and abortion three subjects i try to stay out of. sometime unforseen things happen and there are instances that make an abortion legal in my eyes. rape is one of them and naother if there are medical reasons to terminate them and i guess i do feel it is between the person who got pregnant and those it involves but like i said it is a very personal issue and i would rather it stay in the hands of the people involved in the creation of the child

rob k

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Re: Abortion Clinic

Welcome to the forums Ruby.

I have to disagree with what you say. Women do have a choice. They have a choice not to get pregnant in the first place aside from rape. Saying no is saying no and women do ultimately have that control and choice. Your example and a woman telling a man he has to wear a condom and he says no, the woman then has the right to tell him no. Letting it go and being careless does bring that responsibility back to the woman.

Taking the life of an unborn child is taking a life any way you look at it.

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Re: Abortion Clinic


Welcome to the forums Ruby.

I have to disagree with what you say. Women do have a choice. They have a choice not to get pregnant in the first place aside from rape. Saying no is saying no and women do ultimately have that control and choice. Your example and a woman telling a man he has to wear a condom and he says no, the woman then has the right to tell him no. Letting it go and being careless does bring that responsibility back to the woman.

Taking the life of an unborn child is taking a life any way you look at it.

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It's easy to say that a woman/girl has a choice whether or not to have sex when most of us on here have no experience as a woman. Most of us are men, we have all been young men/teenagers at some point, raging hormones and thinking about sex 23 hours of the day. Is it really the girls choice when she is pressured into having sex, oh come on, all my buddies have made it with their girls, all my friends do it, if you don't I'll break up with you/find someone who will put out. It's real easy to say it's a choice when girls are the ones who have the pressure put on them to perform, the guys do the pressuring, for the most part......I haven't found my Mrs. Robinson yet. grin.gif

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Re: Abortion Clinic



Welcome to the forums Ruby.

I have to disagree with what you say. Women do have a choice. They have a choice not to get pregnant in the first place aside from rape. Saying no is saying no and women do ultimately have that control and choice. Your example and a woman telling a man he has to wear a condom and he says no, the woman then has the right to tell him no. Letting it go and being careless does bring that responsibility back to the woman.

Taking the life of an unborn child is taking a life any way you look at it.

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It's easy to say that a woman/girl has a choice whether or not to have sex when most of us on here have no experience as a woman. Most of us are men, we have all been young men/teenagers at some point, raging hormones and thinking about sex 23 hours of the day. Is it really the girls choice when she is pressured into having sex, oh come on, all my buddies have made it with their girls, all my friends do it, if you don't I'll break up with you/find someone who will put out. It's real easy to say it's a choice when girls are the ones who have the pressure put on them to perform, the guys do the pressuring, for the most part......I haven't found my Mrs. Robinson yet. grin.gif

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Pressures are pressures sluggo. Excuses are excuses. You seem to be good at coming up with reasoning that makes what might not be right fit your own mind.

Peer pressure can make kids do drugs, but do they still ultimately have their own choice? Yes they do. That is still choice and saying a woman has no choice because of this pressure is just another of your lame excuses. Unless someone is forcing you, you do ultimately have a choice, and the act of forcing a woman to have sex would be referred to as rape.

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Re: Abortion Clinic


This is a very touchy subject but me being a teenager I know how girls can be nowadays and many don't make the right choices

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You know "how girls can be nowadays"???? I do believe they are doing these things with boys, aren't they? It takes TWO people to get pregnant and it is up to both genders to make smart choices. This isn't something that is up to the woman to control alone.


and hey?!?!?! what about about encouraging men to take social responsability for the problem?

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I couldn't agree more Ruby! It seems like everyone is forgetting that women don't get pregnant without a little help from a man.

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Re: Abortion Clinic




Welcome to the forums Ruby.

I have to disagree with what you say. Women do have a choice. They have a choice not to get pregnant in the first place aside from rape. Saying no is saying no and women do ultimately have that control and choice. Your example and a woman telling a man he has to wear a condom and he says no, the woman then has the right to tell him no. Letting it go and being careless does bring that responsibility back to the woman.

Taking the life of an unborn child is taking a life any way you look at it.

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It's easy to say that a woman/girl has a choice whether or not to have sex when most of us on here have no experience as a woman. Most of us are men, we have all been young men/teenagers at some point, raging hormones and thinking about sex 23 hours of the day. Is it really the girls choice when she is pressured into having sex, oh come on, all my buddies have made it with their girls, all my friends do it, if you don't I'll break up with you/find someone who will put out. It's real easy to say it's a choice when girls are the ones who have the pressure put on them to perform, the guys do the pressuring, for the most part......I haven't found my Mrs. Robinson yet. grin.gif

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Pressures are pressures sluggo. Excuses are excuses. You seem to be good at coming up with reasoning that makes what might not be right fit your own mind.

Peer pressure can make kids do drugs, but do they still ultimately have their own choice? Yes they do. That is still choice and saying a woman has no choice because of this pressure is just another of your lame excuses. Unless someone is forcing you, you do ultimately have a choice, and the act of forcing a woman to have sex would be referred to as rape.

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Aren't we touchy today. Even going so far as to say I am full of lame excuses. Never said anything was right or wrong or that I agreed with it. But pressuring someone to have sex is the same as forcing her, just because you don't tie them up and have your way with them doesn't mean you didn't force them into it. That's like saying it's OK if she is drunk, she wanted it anyway.

It's not an excuse, just a different point of view, and since you don't agree with it, obviously it is lame. confused.gif

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Re: Abortion Clinic

Not touchy at all sluggo. Just disagree with you. Not like it is the first time that has happened huh. LOL.

Pressuring as I said is pressuring. Anyone can resist pressure. Making up excuses saying you have to have an abortion because your boyfriend pressured you into having sex, just does not set well with me. A woman/girl has a right to say no. That is a choice. If she says no and the man/boy forces her, that is rape. Not hardly the same. Pressure and rape are different, and a woman does not have to be tied up to constitute rape. I am against abortions, but feel that under certain circumstances such as rape the woman does have the right to kill the baby she did not willingly create. But if the woman gives in and does not resist the pressure and it is not forced, then she made the choice not to say no, knowing potentially that she might end up in that situation.

As far as the men taking resposiblity, I agree with you. Making a man pay for his baby does not make him a father though.

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