Bearded hen~!

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my friend travis was driving out to his farm, and he saw a turkey out in a field so he stopped and watched it and realized it was a bearded hen! so he flew home and got it video camera and when he got back she was still there, and he actully got her on film! she got about a 9 or 10 inch beard, its is awesome! ill be posting some pictures as soon as i can! this is pretty sweet!

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Re: Bearded hen~!

There was a post like this one on another forum. In my neck of the woods, which is South Texas I see quite a few bearded hens, some with pencil thin beards and some with heavy gobbler type. Personally speaking they are no biggie for me, they are however legal to shoot in the fall season only and I have taken a couple but due to their small size they arent worth taking.

life is good...doubleA

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Re: Bearded hen~!


Bearded hens are really something to see. Keep an eye on the area. Most times, when there is a bearded hen around there are also multiple bearded gobblers.

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Don't know the reason behind that...but I know of 2 bearded hens that have been around for years. They both have long, thin beards (prob. about 8-9") and we've never seen or got a multiple bearded gobbler. shocked.gif

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