Found the Most Accurate Sabots For My Browning Gol

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Since receiving my Browning Gold Deer Hunter Slug Gun; I've been expermenting as to accuracy, of a couple brands of Sabot slugs. Thus far I have found that "Lightfield" brand sabots have the most consistant accuracy. Winchester Supreme Golds with its 260 grain bullet does not shoot quite a tight group @ 50 yards (My average shooting range at a deer, where I hunt.) However the Winchester would be accurate enough for Deer, but the Lightfield's are heavier (385 grs.) and larger in diameter than the Winchester golds, and are a couple of dollars cheaper too. grin.gif

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Re: Found the Most Accurate Sabots For My Browning Gol

I just shot my TC Encore with the slug barrel for the first time last weekend. I also found the Lightfield 12 gauge 2 3/4 Hybrid EXP 546 grain slugs to be the most accurate. I shot Winchester supremes, and Rem Copper solids. Want to try shooting some Federal hydro-shoks yet

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Re: Found the Most Accurate Sabots For My Browning Gol

I've not been able to locate any Federal hydro-shoks 20 gauge sabots, where I live. Locally, we can only find Winchester, Remington, or Lightfield sabot-slugs. Forgot to mention my Browning is a 20 gauge, and I have a 2.5 power Weaver scope mounted on it.

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Found the Most Accurate Sabots For My Browning Gol

one of my friends shoots a browning gold. the fed barns expanders shot best for him. give them a try. at 100 yards all 5 slugs were touching each other. remember all guns dont shoot the same.

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Re: Found the Most Accurate Sabots For My Browning Gol


one of my friends shoots a browning gold. the fed barns expanders shot best for him. give them a try. at 100 yards all 5 slugs were touching each other. remember all guns dont shoot the same.

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I'll sure give them a try, if I can locate some. ~THANKS~ grin.gif

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Guest 2500HD

Re: Found the Most Accurate Sabots For My Browning Gol

I sat down with my H&R Ultra a few years ago and took about 10 different boxes of top slugs out to our range to see what patterned the best out of it and the 2-3/4 Lightfield Hybribs were by far the clear winner. Groups of three shots at 100+ yards you can cover with a silver dollar will work for me.

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Guest deldeer

Re: Found the Most Accurate Sabots For My Browning Gol

my h&r ultra shoots the 2 3/4 federal barnes expanders the best. followed by rem. solid coppers. the holes were touching at 100 yards. same results in my 3 870's i use also. for some reason the lightfields seem to do goofy things out of my h&r, seemed like every 3rd or 4th shot would go off in left field somewhere crazy.gif??!! good luck.. grin.gif

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Guest deldeer

Re: Found the Most Accurate Sabots For My Browning Gol

that would be false my son's, & one of my buddies 870 is all over with rem. slugs. all guns are different, try as many different brands as possible. what one gun likes, another may not. even if they are the same make & model of gun..... cool.gif

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Re: Found the Most Accurate Sabots For My Browning Gol

You're welcome, too_pointer! I thought it might be helpful in compairing various loads, so one might fine the best brand for their slug gun. However they still must actually fire, the selected slug loads, in their gun to see which performes the best. Pretty handy chart to have on hand.

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