difference between PR bullets

Guest danewguy

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Guest danewguy

I just ordered some Deadcenters and QT bullets from Cabelas. My question is does anyone know the difference between the two bullets? there is a $2 difference between the two. I tried looking on their website but I couldn't find anything. Thanks again guys and good luck to all this season... tongue.gif

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Re: difference between PR bullets

I just switched to these too. Here's what I found out but I'm sure AJ can correct me if I'm not quite up to par on my answers. He turned me on to them so heres what I got from the website. The extended range bullets (blue polymer tips) are designed for extended range shots and to release or transfer all of their energy inside the animal for maximum damage. The dead centers (orange tips) are designed to pretty much do the same thing except they are somehow designed for complete pass throughs to allow better blood trails. AJ uses the extended range and seems to like them quite a bit. I've only sighted in with them so far so I can't give an opinion on the dead centers. I was shooting the Hornady XTP 300 grain bullets with great groups but they weren't doing much damage to my animals so I had to change before I lost another animal with my ML. The way it is, I can't wait for tomorrow to try these new bullets out. I'm sure I'll be in here bragging on these things in a couple of days. Let me know what you think too. Greg

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Guest RandyWakeman

Re: difference between PR bullets

The QT's have a barrelled center portion, and a deeper hollowpoint that expands more violently than the more ballistically efficient, continuous ogive Dead Centers.

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Re: difference between PR bullets

Well, I let the bullets down today. I shot at what I think was a small 6 point this morning. He was walking but pretty fast. I bleated to stop him then pretty much jerked the trigger. I think i pulled the barrel down and hit him way, way low. I found pure white hair, no blood, even got on my hands and knees and still nothing. I'm irritated at myself for rushing the shot. I think I was so excited to test these things out that I simply rushed it. I looked for about 2 hours and never found him. I'm hoping I hit him in the brisket area and didn't do much damage. Thank goodness its the 1st day of season. I'll be out tomorrow evening to get even. I'll take my time now and not rush a shot. See y'all, Greg

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Re: difference between PR bullets

Like the others said, while they are similar, they are different bullets. The upper pic is the Dead Center Bullet.


This pic shows the QT bullets. They are not quite as aerodynamic as the DC bullets, due to the shoulder. I prefer them for deer hunting. I have not had a problem with pass throughs using these bullets. I shot many many of them with 150 gr of Pyrodex pellets and the 235 gr QT40. I have had pass throughs on deer from 15 feet out to 170 yards.


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