turkey stalk


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my friend was hunting a very large and open field that had a drainage ditch running down the side, to make a long story short they got their late and noticed a jake out in the field about 500 yards down the ditch, their only option was to crawl 500 yards on their bellies in a foot of the nastiest bilge water u can ever imagine too try and bushwack the turkey

amazinginly they pulled the stalk off and by the time they made it too the turkey had a 55 yard shot which piled him up where he was standing.....just thought it was an interesting story worht sharing

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Re: turkey stalk


No necesarily stalking a turkey is unsafe, it is unsafe to stalk towards turkey sounds. You could come up behind another hunter while he/she is calling and when he spins around the tree to have a look, both of you know that you will have to react fast (shoot). Plus both of you are in full camo and making sounds of the game you are hunting. Make sense?

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Re: turkey stalk


I have hunted turkeys for almost 20 years and have stalked turkeys(not turkey sounds).

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Hobie.......hopefully you were stalking them in the fall or in another state. wink.gif

Stalking turkeys is not legal during the spring season in PA. blush.gif

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