Throwing in the towel.


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I tell ya I have hit it pretty hard the last 3 weeks and I have yet to see, nor hear, a single bird. Hen or gobbler.

This past Sunday we hunted in the rain. At times it was pouring and others it was sprinkling. We set up on a green field where we both had seen birds the week before our opener back in April, and where Luke heard them like crazy the opening day. laugh.gifcool.gif

Nothing. mad.gifmad.giffrown.gif

Well we did have deer running threw my decoys and Luke saw a nice black bear crappin in the woods 40 yards behind him, but still no birds. crazy.gif

I think I am giving up for this season.

There is just nothing giving me any motivation thus far so I am all done.

I have many things I need to take care of around the house anyways, plus spend time with the wife and kids...

Sorry Team 6..... crazy.giffrown.gif

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Throwing in the towel.

before indiana seasion went out i gave up and went fishing. at least i cought alot of fish to eat. its on going to. birds didnt work right at the end of seasion hear where i hunt.

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Re: Throwing in the towel.

Heck,,, my towel is still soaking wet as well as me,,,man this has been one frustrating and aggrivating Turkey season,,but like my VT hunting counterpart,,it's real hard to stay motivated when you don't hear or see a bird for over 3 weeks. The Turkeys here in this state have seem to have gone on vacation to another state.... confused.gifconfused.gif

OH well plenty of work to do here at the house and VTBowman and I still have some plot work to get at, before it gets too late...

I just feel bad for my team I was the only dead weight on the team......SORRY GUYS.... frown.giffrown.gif

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Re: Throwing in the towel.

I wouldn't give up just yet. The hens seem to be nesting hardcore right maybe things will get better in the remaining week of season. I've been hunting a big ole gobbler for the past two weeks that has had hens all day long since the beginning of the season. I've only heard him gobble once in the roost in the past 4 or 5 times that I've been hunting him. The last 2 mornings he hasn't had any hens and has gobbled 70+ times. I actually had him within 30 yds. of me yesterday morning. Unfortunatly, just as he was entering into range (45-50 yds.) he veered off to the right leaving me totally out of position for a shot. I didn't dare move because I was laying on my stomch and had no cover what-so-ever and he was so close that any little movement woulda sent him running for the next county. Let me tell sure hurt to let him walk by. The fat SOB then proceeded to strut and gobble in the field behind me for the next hour. All of my calls were in my vest which was sitting 15 yds. from me. My dad and I went back after him this morning and had him working for over an hour but he hung up at a ditch that goes through the field and wouldn't budge. Then the torrential downpour started and we decided to pack it up and head back to the truck. Maybe tomorrow I get him. It sure has gotten my hopes up for the rest of the season. The birds aren't finished just yet......

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Re: Throwing in the towel.

It is easy yo get frustrated when things are not happening. This was one tough year for a lot of turkey hunters. confused.gif Past success is just that, past success. You have to draw on the reasons you hunt to keep going.

Knowing that the birds are there is incentive enough for me. You can bet those birds that you saw and heard in March are still in the neighborhood.

It can happen at anytime and it did for me yesterday.. It was 5 minutes to noon when I pulled the trigger. I work the third shift and its all I can do to get there on the blind and put in the time. Physically, I get a little burned out. The thing that keeps me going is knowing I still have a shot right up until the last day. Regardless of the odds. It would have made my earlier efforts worthless if I just quit.

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Re: Throwing in the towel.

I know how ya feel. I didn't hunt at all last weekend. Spooked 2 turkeys last night, couldn't tell but they may have been jakes/toms. Didn't go after them this morning because ta pre-cal test but maybe, if I'm up to, I'll go out for a couple hours before class tomorrow. Hang in there man. Maybe we should get together for a "losers pf the turkey season" party,lol

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Re: Throwing in the towel.

our season in central NY started out flat, but as the season went on, the harder the turkeys gobbled. Last weekend the birds were very responsive and coming in to calls. We had a great morning last saturday. Except for some idiot screwed it up for us!!!

Do not give up. What else do you have to do other than be out in the woods?

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Re: Throwing in the towel.

I was feeling all the same as you above until yesterday morning..I heard a gobble at 9:00 and shot him at 9:20. It is amazing how simple it can be at times. Just hang in there and things can turn very quickly. Oh yeah - 18 lbs , 8.5 " beard , 1 5/16 spurs. Nice bird and nice end to a tough season...

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Re: Throwing in the towel.

Things are beyond tough here for VTBowman and I unfortunately we live in a part of the state that the Turkeys are just making a decent comeback in....

He and I probably wouldn't be so frustrated or aggrivated if we would even see or hear a bird...but for the past 3 weeks we haven't heard or seen a Turkey anywhere......It's like hunting thin air... frown.giffrown.giffrown.gif,,,,it seems they have moved on to the higher elevations where we have NO access to....

Beleive me Shawn and I aren't one's to give up but man when you don't hear or see a bird for 3 weeks or more, it's time to move on and get other things done...

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