Just got back


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I hunted 4 days in Minnesota's Wild Turkey Capital-Caledonia. My tag was only good for the last week of the season. One of the landowner's that let me hunt had just gotten home from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester-He had chemo therapy for 45 days-has bone cancer and back in 1982 he held the state record for the biggest turk in Minnesota. Just listening to his stories was great. He is an amazing man and I appreciate him letting me hunt his land. This is the first year he had not gone turkey hunting in the last 50 some years or so... Here is a quick recap.

DAY 1- I had two jakes I called in to my hen decoy at like 8:30am opener morning but I had three other gobbles from three different directions so I decided to pass on them--well they were the closest thing in range all weekend beside a lone hen that scared me when I leased excpected it frown.gifsmirk.gif

Day 2-Rain-rain-rain... Got out at about 4am and heard a few gobbles-about 8am everything shut down-it was dead quiet. I sat outside all day still-moved around a bit into the lower elevations and woods. I quit using a decoy and barely called-no yelps only soft cutts and purrs-these birds have been hunted hard and know what is up. I did however get a whole bunch of mural mushrooms.

Day 3- Rained in the morning and the sun came out by mid-morning. Didn't hear much-it was rather windy. About 9am heard a boom-there was four other guys hunting the land I was on-he snuck up on two toms and a hen in full strut. Got lost on my way down two ridges-took this casacading rock formation all the way down-slipped on some wet leaves and got a few battle scars...lol Later found out I had stumbled through Houston County's biggest Timber rattlesnake pit. Just wonderful....

Day 4-One early morn gobbler-he came in over this hill (still out of range and on property I couldn't hunt) he just needed to come over this dip and over the hill in front of me. He went below and it seemed like he was hung up but then he went back the way he had came over to the other property. ???? Then three mushroom hunters walked into where I was hiding and asked if I had seen any mushrooms along the way--no comment. smirk.gif

I worked pretty hard trying different game plans but nothing would connect for me. Oh well-cant wait for next year and had a good time being out there and met some great people (... chalk this one up for experience...) grin.gif

BTW-I almost forgot-got checked by the DNR. He was the cutest officer ever! grin.gif He even gave me his phone number-so I can do a ride along with him sometime-since that is what I am going to school for... blush.gifgrin.gif tehehehe

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Guest buckchaser

Re: Just got back

sounds like you had a great time even though you didn't score- it's all about the hunt FYI i had a run of bad luck on my hunts in mn and wi so don't get too bummed!

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Just got back

always next year....sounds like you bagged yourself a cute one.....lol......call him and enjoy his informational guided tour of the woods...who knows he might be just what your looking for....and i know what you mean about listening to the older ones and their stories...you can listen for hours and learn a few tricks.....glad you had a nice time wf

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Re: Just got back

Here are a few pics from my journey.....

Lots of trout streams and creeks to cross


Caledonia-Minnesota's Wild Turkey Capital


Found where some were roosting and near by stumbled on some morel mushrooms.


Down south they get a lot of rain in Minnesota and do strip cropping-which we don't up north. Thought it was pretty neat.


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