Opinions on Set-Up


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OK guys, give me your opinions on my set-up.

I hunt a field about 350 yards long, the top widens out to the bottom, like a cone shape. I know that a tom and four hens cross the field from their roost at 190 yards out into the field, everyday from 6:00 - 8:00(AM).

I position myself at about 40 yards down from where they come out, at the edge of the field.

Now, this will be the first time I do this because I have just now caught on where they come out and when. So, I'm going to sit in my blind, and I'm going to put a hen decoy 25 yards out, and 15 yards to the left. They will come out likely right where I have the decoy. This tom loves to strut and gobble.

Should I sit and wait, without calling? Or if I am to call, just incase they get off course, what kind of calls do I do? I have never hunted them off the roost like this.

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