begginers pick


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Re: begginers pick

Start out hunting varmints like crows or gophers with a .22-it will teach you lots about shooting and get you used to handling a gun. Practice,Practice practice don't just shoot paper targets make it fun-fill a milk jug with water or shoot balloons or overripe apples-it's better to shoot 100 practice rounds so you only need one in the bush.

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Re: begginers pick

It all depends whether you are starting with a gun or bow, and whether you plan to gun hunt do or birds. If you are starting with deer, or birds, just to get used to it I would try squirrels, rabbits, even trap shooting. otherwise if you are starting with deer hunting just go practice with your gun and then go try it out on a deer. Just try to get your first one close!

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Re: begginers pick

I started out just "hunting" squirrels and rabbits with a pellet gun when I was probably around 10 by myself. I killed a couple rabbits, never did manage to get a squirrel, but I had a blast trying!!! I hit one or 2 but somehow they always managed to get away. I remember my first rabbit.....I was walking with my pellet gun (I always used BB's though) and I saw a rabbit jump up and run, he stopped, I aimed and dropped him!!! I wasn't expecting a kill, I walked up to him and my leg just started shaking!!!! My first experience of "buck fever." I suggest starting with small game, using a .22 or shotgun, or even a BB gun (depending on your age). I hope that feeling never goes away, it is awesome!!!! Pretty soon, you'll be addicted to hunting and you'll find yourself thinking about it all the time! Good luck!

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