My first spring turkey season


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well sorry to say I didnt get a bird but in my mind was season was a huge success!!!!!!

Heres the reason why ..

1. I am now fully addicted to turkey hunting cant wait to take my kids

2. learned alot about turkey hunting during my season .

3. was able to get a response from my calls had one very close incounter to bad the bird came in on the side I really didnt have a shot and instead of moving and shooting and risking wounding a bird I waited and tried to get him out in front of me .

4. had birds gobbling in the roost at sunup bad thing most of the time they were on the land next to us that we couldnt hunt so we had to try to get them to come to us

5. found some great new public deer hunting land in northern wisconsin.

6. had a great time taking melissa hunting and she had a blast and now is signed up for hunters safety only thing she didnt like was that I joked with her about bears and I shouldnt of did that kinda freaked her alittle but after a long conversation I was forgiven and apoligized for joking around

7. The best of all I got to spend some time in the woods clear my mind and enjoy the outdoors ..

even tho I didnt get a bird I had a blast this season and enjoyed every minute of it and when I did hear gobbles and the close incounter my blood was pumping thats what its all about it !!! hopefully this fall will get me my first bird if not I'm sure i will still enjoy it

I also would like to thank some of the realtree forum guys GWSmith Dartonman and all the others that posted info and help me with info calls and videos ..

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