Question for turkey hunting veterans...

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Alright folks, in an area where there are many turkeys, a coyote howler normally would be a good locator call, correct? But what about in an area where there are alot of turkeys, but also overrun with coyotes that are making the turkeys shut up, would it be wise to try and entice a gobble with a coyote howl? Or would this shut the birds up for the morning?

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Re: Question for turkey hunting veterans...

I have come to a point where I find I like to let gobblers sound off on their own when they are on the roost. I avoid locater calls if at all possible. Seems to be working the last couple years. Here in PA we sometimes get overrun with people blowing every kind of call imaginable..I think the birds become wary of it.

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Re: Question for turkey hunting veterans...

I've had very good success with a coyote howler in areas with lots of coyotes. But with any locator call it's hard to know what if anything will work. I guess I like because not a lot of folks use it. Seems 90 percent of them are doing owl hooters at sunrise/sunset. But I usually sit back and listen in the early morning to see if one will give up it's locatation without me making myself known.


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Re: Question for turkey hunting veterans...

I guess I look at it this way. If I'm a turkey and a coyote is my enemy which in nature they are, the last thing I want to do is let the coyote know my location. I'm sitting quiet!!! smile.gif

I use an owl call during the morning and a crow through out the day, myself I would not want to sound like the enemy to a turkey. Just my opinion.


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Re: Question for turkey hunting veterans...

Dunno, I always just let the morning start off like it would if I weren't there. It's later in the day when I start trying to get a shock gobble from 'em. I honestly don't think there is anything that will shut a hot tom up, regardless of where he lives. If's he's being quiet, you'd have to hunt 12/7 in order to accurately say they aren't gobblin' due to any given reason.

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Re: Question for turkey hunting veterans...

I prefer to let them do their own thing without using any shock calls early in the morning. They will gobble on their own to try to call in hens to their location. Later into the morning I'll use shock calls to locate a bird if I need to.

Using a coyote call to get a bird to shock gobble probably depends on the birds you're hunting. Every place is different. I have favorite hen calls I use here that don't get much of a response in some other states so I've found you have to sort of feel them out to see what they like, be it locator calls or hen calls. Every place is a little different. wink.gif

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