a wind farm (pic)

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Re: a wind farm (pic)

hey thats cool they are trying to get some of them here on the Island....they want to put 3 on our farm.do you have any more pics???? I would love to see them....also are they loud????? would they scare away my deer?

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Re: a wind farm (pic)

The wind energy industrial lobbyists have done an excellent job of pushing their product to the public, so I know that my opinion does not fit the current viewpoint on the subject of wind energy, but back here in the east, there are some (myself included) who view these things a bit differently. Here in NY we have some pretty impressive expanses of relatively unbroken forested hills and mountains. There are areas where you can look out and see essentially the same views that our forefathers saw. To me, these rare glimpses back into nearly untouched nature should also be considered a "natural resource" that is equally as valuable as any energy resource. These viewscapes are getting quite rare as land is gobbled up by urban and suburban sprawl as well as industrial development. Considering that these towers are now exceeding the height of a 37 story skyscraper, it is hard to add thousands of these things on every available hilltop without completely losing the rare viewscape resource. There are many of these so-called "windfarms situated in areas where agricultural and other development activites have already broken up and opened up the landscape. I have no real problems with these kinds of locations for wind energy experiments. However, even though there are many more areas that are similarly already modified and already open and available for use, the wind power industry has decided to expand into some of the more scenic areas of the state with total disregard as to the impacts these will have on a resource that once lost, will never be replaced.

There also is some great debate as to just how long this wind power technology will be with us. It is not free or even cheap and here in NY, it would not even exist without the taxpayer funded subsidies. Even with that kind of financial support, wind power still exists as the most expensive energy source. There are other environmental difficulties with wind power such as bird-kill, ice throw, destruction of forested land for tower sites, access roads and energy transmission towers. There also are a few noise pollution issues as well. The required strobe lights on top are also an additional visual impact. For those reasons, the search for a better energy source goes on. The question then becomes: what will happen to these behemoths when the technology is replaced? Will they continue to pollute the landscape until they finally crumble in a heap of rust.

In suitable areas, the impact of wind power is negligible. But the key word there is "suitable". They are not harmless everywhere.


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Re: a wind farm (pic)


They kind of detract from the beauty of God's creation though

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I really don't think there are very many people who worry about that sort of thing anymore. It is a changing cultural thing where the nature's landscape has lost its value for folks. No longer do they look at a forested hill and see beauty. Instead they see dollar signs and view it as the last great natural resource to be exploited.


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