Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence


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Got the new issue of Muley Crazy and Jim Shockey has a good write up in it. Here's a quote that I thought you guys would like.

"Ever watch diving in the Olympics? Or figure skating? Ever hear the commentators talk about 'degree of difficulty' when they are explaining how tough a particular dive or spin is? Well as much as it might offend some whitetail hunters, in my opinion, hunting and then tagging up on a big, trophy whitetail buck is the 'double sowcow' or the 'inward twisting back flip' of the hunting world. Not easy to do, but in terms of hunting, it's only halfway up the 'degree of difficulty' scale. By the same token, hunting and then tagging up on a big, trophy mule deer buck is the 'quadruple backwards Lutz' or the 'triple inward gainer in full layout position with two twists' of hunting! Far more difficult to do than tagging a big whitetail and you can quote me on that"

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence


Got the new issue of Muley Crazy and Jim Shockey has a good write up in it. Here's a quote that I thought you guys would like.

"Ever watch diving in the Olympics? Or figure skating? Ever hear the commentators talk about 'degree of difficulty' when they are explaining how tough a particular dive or spin is? Well as much as it might offend some whitetail hunters, in my opinion, hunting and then tagging up on a big, trophy whitetail buck is the 'double sowcow' or the 'inward twisting back flip' of the hunting world. Not easy to do, but in terms of hunting, it's only halfway up the 'degree of difficulty' scale. By the same token, hunting and then tagging up on a big, trophy mule deer buck is the 'quadruple backwards Lutz' or the 'triple inward gainer in full layout position with two twists' of hunting! Far more difficult to do than tagging a big whitetail and you can quote me on that"

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My $.02 worth.

It IS more difficult to take a trophy mule deer than a trophy whitetail. The two main reasons for that are the total numbers involved (many, many more trophy whitetails in North America than mulies) and the terrain (mulies tend to live in some very inaccessible places, whitetails are virtually everywhere).

Now, does that mean that a trophy mule deer is smarter, warier, or more elusive than a whitetail? I wouldn't say so. I've hunted and taken both and I've got to give the nod for elusiveness to the whitetail.

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

What, me, stir the pot? NEVER!!!! smile.gif Just thought it was interesting that the Whitetail guru himself admits to the facts of what I've been saying all along since my early days on this site. Dinky Dog Deer are Easy!!!! smile.gifsmile.gif


I saw Thad over the weekend. He got a good laugh about you claiming whitetails are harder. I've got him converted now. smile.gifsmile.gif He's actually spending a good deal of time getting to know the muley's other cousin, the trophy blacktail. Now if you want a real tough hunt, pursue one of those in the rainforests of BC with your bow.

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence


That's not only 'pot' they stir in B.C. lol.

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Now that is funny Superguide! grin.gif

I'll try keep my post to minimum. Terrain and pressure dicates how hard a deer of any species is to kill. I've hunted both deer in ?, have killed some pretty good ones. Personally I find whiteys tougher. If I'd have had a mule deer tag a few times hunting whiteys 5 or 6 yrs ago down south, I could have killed some giants.

But...........I'm sticking with the terrain bit. Put a deer of any kind in the big woods that I hunt and they are not going to be easy to kill.

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

That bush is interesting whatever is in it. Remeber those 2 knuckleheads who didn't really know where they were in there until they hit the road?? ooo.gif

I actually know where some Muley's are near my place. Have been watching 3 bucks every day now that I'm into jogging. They're coming out of a big slash that overlooks the river, it's steep and rugged but they're coming to the alfalfa. You and Ty may have to buy some muley archery tags, I could put you on them.

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence


stirring the pot again......... tongue.gifblush.gifwink.gif

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Oh, for sure. But to make sure everyone knows...that vast majority of big whitetails this guy has shot have been shot on whitetail ranches and farms. I would like to see him come up to the Allagash and have his way with the big mature whitetail bucks there. They would prove to be as difficult or more so than any mule deer buck. I would bet money on it. The average shot from everyone I know who hunts there is 30-40 yards. Whats the average for mulies...way more than that. Anyone can whack a deer from 2-300 yards away. Not so easy when you have to be all but on top of them. Also, the other reason bigger whitetails would seem easier to hunt is because there is -alot- more of them than there are mulies. Yup. tongue.gif

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

I've only hunted mulies once on a spot and stalk bowhunt and from that hunt it sure seemed easier than whitetails. I was hunting with Pete Dube in northern Wyoming. He doesn't do bowhunts anymore because it's a lot easier for him to have his hunters fill their tags using a firearm which makes it easier on him. The mulies I was hunting had a habit of using the same bedding areas year after year. You could glass those bedding areas from a distance looking for trophy mulies. I'm told that's pretty common with mulies. I haven't found anywhere where whitetails do that yet. At least where I hunted in Wyoming it sure seemed like it wouldn't be that hard to kill a trophy mulie with a firearm. I'm sure there are pressured areas that make mulies pretty hard to hunt but I guess it wasn't where I was hunting.

Now I've hunted whitetails in some places where they were easier to hunt than other places. Like Saskman said, it all depends on hunter pressure. Put a trophy whitetail under pressure and he will go nocturnal in a heartbeat. It's almost impossible to slip in on whitetail's bedding area especially with a bow. It sure wasn't that difficult with a mulie because we did it. The only thing is you have to be in shape to cover a lot of ground.

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

too pointer,

Tell us how you really feel. smile.gifsmile.gif


The article Shockey wrote was about Mexico Muleys. Average shot there is well under 100 yards. Here in BC my average shot on trophy mule deer is under 50 yards. Big Timber=Big Bucks smile.gif Terrain does play a large role, but keep in mind, Shockey is a BC Boy too. smile.gif:) He has acheived more than most of us could ever dream off, all with a Muzzy. How many of you have taken a record book animal from every species in North America? The guy nows his stuff. I believe he has the experience and authority to say which species are hard and which aren't. smile.gif

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

Come on guys. All Steve did was quote Jim Shocky. He's not trying to start a Mulie, whitetail war.

I've been a blacktail hunter for over 30 years and can honestly say they are hard critters to hunt, especially if you want a mature animal and even more so if you want a trophy animal. But my opinion is that every species has it's own challenges, depending on when and where you hunt them.

Maybe Jim should have been more specific to location of hunting these Monster Mulies eh ...LOL grin.gif

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