Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence


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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

99% of the real big whiteys that Shockey has killed were in his pre-famous days. Now adays, he actually spends way less time out there as it is a ton of work opporating several successful Outfits. He has his Black Bear territory here in BC, a territory in the Yukon for Moose, a territory in Sask for whitetails, and he's partnered up on several other guiding business' including the one in Mexico for muleys that he was talking about in the article.

On top of that, he does a ton of speaking engagements across North America.

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence


I have all the skills to stalk a whitetail in whatever you want to put him in, but that doesn't make me Jim Shockey

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No way Stevus, you would need to let your hair grow longer ( if you can ) LOL crazy.gifgrin.gif I agree with BC, he is special smirk.gifwink.gif


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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence


99% of the real big whiteys that Shockey has killed were in his pre-famous days. Now adays, he actually spends way less time out there as it is a ton of work opporating several successful Outfits. He has his Black Bear territory here in BC, a territory in the Yukon for Moose, a territory in Sask for whitetails, and he's partnered up on several other guiding business' including the one in Mexico for muleys that he was talking about in the article.

On top of that, he does a ton of speaking engagements across North America.

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He also has guiding rights to the northern part of Vancouver Island, from Sayward to Port Hardy. Pretty big chunk of prime, Elk, Blackbear, Cougar, Wolf and Blacktail habitat.

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

Boy oh boy, some responses to this topic have sure gone south. I don’t know if it’s jealousy or what. smirk.gif

Here’s my honest $.02. Jim Shockey is a great, observant woodsman and hunter. He has a passion for hunting a lot of different big game animals. I sure don’t fault him because his prime choice of weapons is different than mine. As previously mentioned he has far more resources available to him than most, if not all of us. He knows and understands several key things, along with other acquired hunting skills through a lot of personal experience that have provided and will continue to provide him the opportunity to take some great trophies. He also spends time trying to pass on some of his knowledge along with possessing the communication skills to pass on that knowledge to other hunters. I personally think that's great.

First off he knows in order to kill great trophy big game animals you have to hunt where they exist. With that in mind he spends his time hunting where they do exist, not where they don’t. There’s nothing wrong with that. Each of us only has just some many years available to pursue the big game animals of our own choice. If you had a choice of hunting only places where great trophy animals of your choice existed, why would you want to spend your time hunting where they don’t exist? If I had that option I’d only hunt where they exist too but unfortunately I can’t always do that.

Also, he has far more time to spend hunting those great trophy animals than most of us. I’ll bet Jim logs more hours in the woods in one season hunting than the average hunter gets in 10 years. Compared to some, maybe a lifetime. In doing so he continually gains more experience and knowledge pursuing the big game species he chooses to hunt. There’s nothing wrong with that either. My hats off to him because he can do that and he still has the passion to continue doing it. How many of you would burn out? I admire that because I understand and share that same passion but there are some big game animals that I just don’t have the desire to hunt that he does. BTW, big mulies are still on my list of critters I want to go back after again some day.

Sure, Jim Shockey spends time doing speaking engagements across North America but lets be honest here. I know someone else very well that does the same thing and it’s all done during the offseason. The guy I know does not do a single speaking engagement during hunting season. When he's not doing speaking engagements, other income oriented projects, or honey do's at home in the offseason, he's scouting. Bottom line is, when it’s time to hunt, it’s time to hunt. Speaking engagements are almost, if not entirely for when the hunting seasons of Jim Shockey’s choice are not open. BTW, he was the guest speaker at the Mississippi Bowhunters Association banquet in May, 2004.

Still enjoying this BC? wink.gif

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

You know what's funny. I been hunting for over 17 years and I have watched hunting shows and hunting videos,etc.....and I never heard of the guy "Shockey" or whatever he is called so therefore, I can't throw any 2 cents in on that subject. I can tell you this...he must not be as famous and popular as the Realtree gang wink.giftongue.gif

Anyway, I would love to hunt a Mule Deer someday although it does not top my top 10 list of wild animals to hunt. I wouldn't see though why it is not as exciting as a Whitetail hunt...(I did that for those who have trouble reading grin.gif.)

I think hunting any animal is exciting whether it is for squirrel or a black bear. Some of you act like little 10 year olds when it comes to that stuff. I don't know much about Mule Deer so I don't know how hard or easy they are to hunt. When I picture hunting for Mule Deer, I picture being out in the Plains or something or up on a side of a rocky mountain where you can see them and get a shot at them from a long distance. Dunno, but that's what I imagine it being like.

I do know this though, some of you are getting a reputation around here that isin't very well liked tongue.gifwink.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

I have a question....

I am a novice hunter and have only hunted whitetails. I would LOVE to hunt a mule deer. Don't care how hard they are to kill either. I would certainly give it my best shot.

I have heard that there is another deer out there that rivals the difficulty of hunting mulies.

Not sure how you spell it... but here's the question:

Isn't the coues deer the hardest to track and shoot???

Not trying to stir anything up and make people mad, just wanted to know if that were true or not.

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

In defence of BCBOYS original opening post here, I'd like to say that Jim Shockey isn't just talking about hunting Mulies, being harder than hunting whitetails. He's talking about hunting "World class Trophy mulies" as opposed to "World class trophy whitetails".

Although Mulies already sport an unusually impressive set of bone, World class trophy Mulies are further and fewer between, World class trophy whitetails, which, in itself makes it more difficult.

With that being said, if there were as many world class mulies out there as there is whitetails, the equation of difficulty would change in my opinion.

World class trophy Blacktails and coues deer are even fewer and further between. I'd like to hear what Jim has to say about world class Trophy Blacktails grin.gif

But I'm not a world class trophy hunter, and not too many of us are, so this some of these arguments are kind of senseless. crazy.gifwink.gif

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Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

I read an article of Shockey's in Big Buck magazine where he said that Trophy Blacktails were the hardest. smile.gif That is of course prior to taking on is new hunting venture in Mexico. smile.gif

Huntin girl,

If you hang out on any sites where there are hard-core Coues hunters, they will lie to you and tell ya they are the hardest animal to hunt on the face of the planet. All I can say is, come on now, how hard can hunting the Spider Monkey deer be? smile.gifsmile.gif

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Guest tyshe17

Re: Whitetail Pro Jumps The Fence

In my opinion whitetails are like the cheerleaders in high school (minus the dumb part...easier but still real good looking) and mulies are like the prom queen (an aire of mystery and reclusiveness).

I dont know if I am shallow when it comes to deer or not, but I go for the in my opinion prettier whitetails easy or not!

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