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I've had a similar season and lost a couple arrows in the process. I'm thinking of making some equipment changes, if I can figure out what's going on. My #3 was a hit and kill, but not a great shot either.

My problem is, I don't practice enough, I guess. I had everything tweeked to perfection, but somethings gone wrong.

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I have not even raised my bow this year to take a shot. Thought yesterday would be the day. had a couple deer out in front of me about 65 yards out, could noty get a good look, and had a doe and a fawn behind me less than 10 yards away. The doe must have seen me move or something while I was trying to see what exactly was down the hill from me. She stomped a couple times blew and it was all over. Thats hunting.

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Keep at em. You'll get it.

I'll trade ya. My son has had football and daughter had cheerleading all fall. This is the last weekend so I can finally head north to Wis to hunt next weekend.

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I missed low on a 6 point at about 30 yards and of course the next miss on a different 6 points was high. I practice, practice, practice and keep choking.

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Swamp... Do you use a rangefinder in the field. distance are very decieving in the field. If you don't have a range finder, it is a great investment. If you do, keep shooting distances of different objects from your stand, untill you know the different yardages of all landmarks of your area. good luck, hope this helps.

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