Mechanicals and The Black Hole (layered)?


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I had posted that I recentely ordered the Black Hole layered target. Here is my question. I shoot Rocky Mountain Revolution mechanical broadheads. They are the kind that open rearward as opposed to flipping over to open. If I shoot these into the target, I don't think they would pull out because of the rearward opening action of I right or wrong? Thanks

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Re: Mechanicals and The Black Hole (layered)?

they'll pull out but will cause some big time damage to the target.

Here is a tip I use with my mechanicals:

I take some braided fishing line and throw a thru wraps around the blades so they don't open on impact. It doesn't affect flight at all and will give your target many more years of use.

All the "layered" targets advertise that you can shoot broadheads in and they stop them very well---but the blades slice/cut the layers. The life of the target is VERY short when shot with broadheads.


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Re: Mechanicals and The Black Hole (layered)?

Its always been my opinion that you should only shoot your broad heads a few times just to check and see if they are flyin like your field tips.

Then just shoot your FTs for your accuracy practice.

No need to shoot up your target with blades or possibly put your BH's in the dirt and ruin tose too.


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Re: Mechanicals and The Black Hole (layered)?


Its always been my opinion that you should only shoot your broad heads a few times just to check and see if they are flyin like your field tips.

Then just shoot your FTs for your accuracy practice.

No need to shoot up your target with blades or possibly put your BH's in the dirt and ruin tose too.


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I never shot more than 2 - 3 shots with the same broadhead when using fixed blades. Since I went to mechanicals, I have shot 1 to see how close it shoots to the field points and it was exactly the same and never fired it again.

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