Calling Question


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I know that in nature, the hen comes to the gobbler. I was fine until I heard this fact. Now it seems I'm trying too hard because all I can think about is whether or not I have technique enough to lure him in. Today I worked a gobbler that came about 200 yards to my calls, until he was about 100 yards away. He then stopped for 45 minutes and I had to go to work.

Can you guys give me some of your calling patterns, such as how many Yelps you do in a certain time frame? (and all other things like putts, clucks and purrs)

I just want to know the way others work a bird to perfection and ultimately to it being shot. I know every birds different but some scenarios please?

Greatly Appreciated


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Re: Calling Question

In your instance described, I would have stopped calling altogether once I felt the gobbler was reacting to my calls. Sounds as if he hung up on you or just wasn't in a hurry (they've got no work to go to tongue.gif) Another thing I would've done is suddenly developed an illness preventing me from workin'. I bet a dollar to a dime that the tom you were workin' eventually came to the very spot you called from.

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