~Another Update on Bob~


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Here's an update for yall on Bob.

Bob had surgery yesterday on his leg. He was in there for 6 hours. Everything went great for what the doc said.

They had to go in and remove all of the other pins, plates and screws from his leg. They then drilled a hole from the top of his hip to the center of the leg bone and put in a titanium rod that runs all the way down to the top of his knee. The doc also said that they had to give Bob 2 pints of blood during the surgery. Right now Bob is in ICU. The doc said if everything goes as plan he should be able to come back home in 4 to 5 days.

They are going to move him to a room some time today. I'm going to try and go up there some time Sat. for a visit. I just thank God that he is going to be alright. But with a little time and lots of hard work he will be back on his feet again soon.

Thanks again everyone for the prayers.


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Re: ~Another Update on Bob~


Did you have that barbeque yet????

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I'll tell ya....

I had it all planed to take him in to be ground into hamburger. But instead I hauled him to the sale.

I figure the way my luck has been going here lately. He would be full of gristle and tough as nails...

Besides had to try and recoup some of the 8000 dollars back that it took to get him....

I wish yall could have seen was trying to get him in the trailer....

WOW! That dude wanted some more blood. He was trying to jump over the fences and when that didn't work, he would run full bore and hit the fence. I mean Hard! After we got him in the trailer. I thought for sure he was going to tear it up. It was unreal...

When I pulled up to the sale barn. The guy that was unloading stood back and said "I'm not opening that gate" So I got to do it. I told everyone there to be careful of him and to stay out of his way.....

I'll know next Wed. how much he brought.....

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Re: ~Another Update on Bob~

Wow, keep us updated on Bob. Glad he is doing ok but that is some major surgery...so he shattered his femur from what is sounds like? My mom several years ago slipped on some ice and broke her lower leg and ankle. They put some screws in the ankle but the leg, there were like two or three fractures in the tibia. They had to put a rod down her tibia for that. She spent 2 months non weight bearing lying on the couch then about another 2 years to completely recover with therapy. Luckily the athletic trainers at my college helped her do the therapy so it was free and mom got to know some great people. Good luck to ya Bob!

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