My 25th Birthday Was On May 27th, Here's My Gift..


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Yesterday, I turned the BIG 2-5, and you would think that would be a day for me to celebrate. However, my streak continues. Last year, 6 days before my birthday my last remaining grandparent (grandfather) passed away. Now, yesterday morning, on my way to work I watch firetruck after firetruck and police cars, and ambulances, EMT's, etc. all fly by me on the main street. Where were they going you ask? Turns out they were headed for my aunt's apartment. My aunt and my cousin got out alive thank god, but they lost everything, and for my cousin that means guns, camo, bow, the works.

2 years in a row I seem to have brought sudden doom to the fam, let's see if I can go for 3 next year . At this rate, I think I'll give up my birthdays thank you.

For those of you that may have seen this on the news, it was the fire above The Blawnox Sportsmen's Club that has been all over the news.

Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers guys!!!!!

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Re: My 25th Birthday Was On May 27th, Here\'s My Gift..

Sorry to hear that. Timing would never be good for those types of things. Three years ago my mother in law passed away on my mothers birthday, makes for a mixed emotional day every year. Try not to let it get you down.

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Re: My 25th Birthday Was On May 27th, Here\'s My Gi

Thanks for all the prayers and support guys. I know it's not my fault technically, but it just seems like a jinx that all this stuff coincides with my B Day.

I am keeping my chin up, and my aunt and cousin are doing as good as you can expect them to. What makes it worse is she didn't have renters insurance on her apartment, so the guns, bow,camo, dishes, fridge, everything is gone.

A LOT of people are stepping up to the plate for them though as far as donations and such goes. It's good to have such great family and friends around in times like these.

Again, thank you all!!!

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Re: My 25th Birthday Was On May 27th, Here\'s My Gift..

Man I am really sorry to hear about this. Prayers are on the way for you and your family... keep your head up and keep looking to Him for guidance. I know it is hard to believe, but God had our life laid out for us long before we were here. He has a reason for all that happens. Sometimes it is hard to grasp that, but good will come out of this. Just know that prayers are being sent out! May you and your family be flooded with prayers and support. God bless.


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Re: My 25th Birthday Was On May 27th, Here\'s My Gift..


glad to hear that they are safe and that the community is pitching in. Will keep them in my prayers.

renters or homeowners insurance is a realy good idea.

I ahd a fire in my home almost 2 years ago now and the insurance covered everything after a $500 deductable. the final bill came to $22,000...

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