Rest easy, celery!


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A feeling of hope was shared by celery, heads of lettuce, watermelons, loaves of bread, and big chunks of meat as a group of doctors in the UK proposed banning large kitchen knives as reported by the BBC.

I can't say I'm surprised that a crazy idea like this is coming from Europe. Just like the anti-gun movement everywhere else in the world, these people fail to see that taking freedom away from law-abiding citizens only hurts the innocent.

This train of thought already exists here in the US. Let's see...what else can you kill people with? Maybe we should ban the following:

Pencils, blinds, electricity, automobiles, icicles, cliffs, bridges, and I'm sure there's a group here in the US advocating against those whose weapon of choice in murder is a pillow.


Ridiculous....simply ridiculous.

Edit: I just realized this topic was already posted ....I would delete this thread as it is, but I love the

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