Last chance hunt scores!!


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Today was my last chance to hunt this Spring season.I didn't get out much this spring due to work and was accepting the possiibility that I probably wouldn't get a turkey this Spring.

To give you a quick rundown of this mornings hunt ,I didn't get up as early as I wanted.5:25am but I didn't have far to go.Just across the field behind our house ,I set up along the hegderow that separates our field and the neighbors.I set the hen decoy and jake 25yds out in the field from where I was going to sit.I could hear turkeys gobbling when I was setting up and 1 sounded fairly close.I sat between 2 cherry trees with the stonewall that runs along the hedgerow to my back.The gobbler that was closest would answer my calls but for at least a 1/2 hr didn't sound like he was getting any closer,then he was quiet for about 20mins but when he gobbled again he was much closer.10mins later he was real close and I knew he was coming in.I gave him some soft yelps and he gobbled right behind me on the other side of the stone wall.I turned my head very slowly and could see and hear him spitting and drumming not 5yds away!There was nothing I could do but remain still and hope that he would cross the hedgerow and enter the field.After about 10 mins he did and gave me a 15yd shot.He weighed 19#s with a 8" beard and 7/8 & 1"" spurs.


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