Memorial Weekend Cooking...


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Hey guy I wanted to say have a great holiday weekend and please be careful when your cooking outdoors...Im sure all you guys try to be as safe as posible...But you never can tell...Here are a few things that may be helpful..

* If your deep frying a Turkey Don't cook it on a wood deck... If it boils over and the grease catches fire the deck goes up and possibly your house...

* Keep you Grills away from the areas that the kids are playing...

* Please don't let the little ones play in the fire after you have finished cooking...

* Don't leave a open grill unatended....

* If you are using a gas grill make sure all your fittings a tight and not leaking... ( You can do this by mixing a little bit of liquid dish soap with some water and pour it over the fittings....If you see continuous bubbles you have a leak ) Tighten properly and then retest..

* If I have left something out or if you know of a safety item please post it...

Most of all Have a Great Weekend and Please keep all of our Troops that can not be home with their families in your prayers....Thanks...And God Bless

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Re: Memorial Weekend Cooking...


* If your deep frying a Turkey Don't cook it on a wood deck... If it boils over and the grease catches fire the deck goes up and possibly your house...

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you may have saved my deck and house....i've done 3 on the deck...i dont know why the heck i didnt think of that i feel really stupid and lucky



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