ground blind suggestion

Guest thegoat273

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Guest thegoat273

I posted a question some time ago about suggestions on ground blinds. I got an overwhelming response for the double bull matrix, however it is very costly. I am looking for something a little easier on the wallet, but will accomidate myself and my 11 yr old son. I am 5 9 he is almost 5 foot. It would be for shotgun hunting in IL. Only two weekends a year. Any suggestions???

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Re: ground blind suggestion

I tell ya, you cant beat the AmeriStep blinds for the money. I got the DogHouse last year for like $69 at Walmart. Its a pretty good size, but may be tight for two guys of your size. An adult and small child would fit good. They are well made and their service dept is awesome. I broke a roof pole and they sent me two for free. It was my fault and I was just checking on prices for a replacement.

I know they make bigger styles so check them out.

I think the BrickHouse is a larger size. Not sure how much $$$ though. I am sure its less then a DB blind. LOL

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Re: ground blind suggestion

They are 15 feet long, and you just roll em up and tie it with a rope. Then I just through it over my shouder to carry.

They do weigh a bit, so it's best to know where you want them set up and that's where they stay for the season.

We got 5 deer out of this blind last year, between the 3 of us. They work like a hot-dang grin.gif

If you'd like instructions on how to build one, drop me a PM .

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Re: ground blind suggestion


If you have to carry it in and out than I agree with the Ameristep, I have the doghouse, and it works fine !!


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I have a Doghouse in Advantage Timber also. It is also a great blind, but the windows are too low for bowhunting. Works pretty well for gun hunting though.

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Re: ground blind suggestion




Yea I only be gotting a BSIT and an AAS.


Sounds like you might be a tad over-qualified to build one of these things ...LOL

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Your right!

I guess I will have Luke do it for me. LOL tongue.gif


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