Cable guard lube??


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I have noticed that my cable guard sometimes binds just a bit when drawing my bow. It slides smoothly to a point and then slows a bit then speeds back up. It doesn't do it everytime and I realize it just needs some type of lubricant. The cable run through a piece of plastic I think and that slids down the length of the cable guard. What shoul I used to lubricate this a bit?

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Re: Cable guard lube??


Your probably better off just buying one of those virgin teflon white cable slides then going to buy lube for the one you got now.

The white teflon slide do not do this in my experience.

I have heard its not very wise to lube the slides since it can generate grit on your cable guard. Even dry lubes will help keep grit on the bar.


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Re: Cable guard lube??

my pro shop told me never to lube the cable guard slide they told me just to clean it very well...vtbowman is right

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Guest KSNimrod

Re: Cable guard lube??

If that ever happens to you in the field, the best quick fix is the oil off of your forehead or nose! Not kidding. Push the cables forward to expose more of the rod and wipe your finger down the side of your nose (the outside!) then on the rod. This should fix the problem.

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