Vegetable gardens?


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Just wondering, how many of you plant vegetable gardens and what do you plant? I have a garden that I plant pumpkins/gourds and carrots and potatoes in (because Andy is lazy and won't plant potatoes anymore,lol) and then we have another garden where Andy plants corn and mom plants the tomatoes, onions, peas, beans, brussel sprouts, cucumbers, zucchine, summer squash and acorn/butternut squash. We also have asparagus that comes up each year and it sure beats asparagus from the store! So anyone else? cool.gif

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Re: Vegetable gardens?

We plant one every year. We have potatoes up now, but it it just too wet to plant the other stuff. We have tomatoes, peppers, onions, eggplant, yellow, white, and zucchini sqaush, cucumbers., okra, beans, peas, corn, celery, and we are gonna try popcorn this year.


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Re: Vegetable gardens?

sure do... tomatoes....sweet beans...eggplant...and peppers all varieties, love that sweetcorn and fresh tomatoes

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Re: Vegetable gardens?

My garden is all in and most of it is up, hope it doesn't freeze. I planted potatoes, giant sunflowers, zuccini, spaghetti squash, pumpkin, watermelon, cucumbers, peas, grean and yellow beans, tomatoes, beets, carrots, kohl rabi, chinese cabbage, turnip, green onions, lettuce, swiss chard, parsnip. I think that is it. grin.gif

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Re: Vegetable gardens?

Yep. Keeps me busy during the summer.

So far this year I have carrots, 3 types of taters (on track for harvesting around 700lbs of taters), pumpkins, summer squash, acorn squash, cukes, watermelon, cantaloupe, 2 types of peas, 2 types of beans, 3 types of sweet corn. I also planted broom corn for the birds and deer. I'll also plant some soybeans for the wildlife and nitrogen fixing for next year's corn.

I'll take a picture later today and try and get it posted here.

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Re: Vegetable gardens?

I am getting a late start on it this year, the only early stuff in is cab, brock, and that stuf. My shoulder has not let me get the stuff in, going to have my oldest son till it up and see about getting it in next weekend. ( I think my shoulder is getting cut on the 6th)

Mommy told me, with me gone so much now, she was not going to do such a big one. We don't use chems on our stuff and she sells at the market on Sat.

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Re: Vegetable gardens?


Pic as promised.


2 plots of sweet corn on the left, peas are on the trellis, broccoli is just to the right of the peas, way in the back ground upper right of the pic is one plot of taters, bare ground to the right will be soybeans, and off to the right out of the picture is all of the squashes.

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Guest KSNimrod

Re: Vegetable gardens?

Tomatos, green bell peppers, jalapenos, white and yellow onions, strawberries and wild mint. Nothing like your own salsa and desert!

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Re: Vegetable gardens?


But those darn woodchucks eat the cucumber tops before they start producing cucumbers. That's why I'm out to get him.

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I have surrounded our garden with 4' high welded wire fence. I also have 2 strands of electric fence. One runs just above the top of the fencing and one strand is 3" off the ground. That has put a complete stop to critter problems. Even the deer stay out now. One little nip from that fence, and they don't want anything to do with that whole area.


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