The definition of hunting...


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Ok, so considering how that one post in the Deer Hunting forum is going, about Jim Shockey and all that mess, I was wondering how do you define hunting? I personally would liek to say hunting is the ethical pursuit of wild game in a legal manner, but hunting does not always mean being successful. Hunting can be enjoying the entire pursuit of whatever your hunting. And while there are laws for each state regarding what to hunt with and how many animals to hunt, no two hunters hunt the same. There are trophy animals, sure, but in my mind...any successful, legal kill is deserving of the word trophy next to it. Hunting is using God given abilities to use His creation wisely. Ok, my disclaimer isn't to start an argument but lets consider how we each look at hunting..... wink.gif

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Re: The definition of hunting...

I couldn't have said it any better . You answered the question for me, especially the part about " hunting does not mean always being succesfull". Yes, I hunt to kill, but honestly, some of my most enjoyable days in the woods have not ended with a kill.

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Re: The definition of hunting...

You both have made very good points. Some of the most memorable days in the woods I came home empty handed, but never emptied hearted.

I love the feel of the outdoors and being one with God's amazing creation. Afterall, He put it here for us to enjoy.

Being outdoors when I am hunting is one of the times that I feel closest to God. And when He does put the opportunity in front of me to bring home an animal I feel that it is my part to know my limits and practice to make sure that I make a clean kill.

As I have said before.....God is good all the time and all the time GOd is good!

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