new rifle .243 or .270??

Guest ChevyMan

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Guest ChevyMan

Hey whats up everyone. I am looking for a new Deer rifle for the up comming deer season. Right now i have a savage 30-06, i have been talking to my dad about some different guns to get and we kinda narrowed the field down to a Rem. .243 or .270. I want something that is smaller than my 30-06, that will still knock a deer dead in his tracks. Probally the only hunting i will do with the gun is deer, hog, paper and maybe some coyote.

Thanks for the help guys.

Chevy Man

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Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

Of the two, you mention, I'd choose the .270. It fires a heavier (130 grain) bullet and is better than the 100 grain .243 Bullet especially if you have to take a long range shot like over 200 yards. Other cartridges, you might consider are the .308 Win., 7mm-08, or .260 Remington. All of these have very low recoil and will do the job for you better than a .243.

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Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

25-06. grin.gif Seriously, of those two I would get a .270 Win. The .243 Win is at the bottom of the barrell as far as deer guns go, in my opinion. If you want less recoil you can try the managed recoil loads from Remington in you 30-06, or the .270 Win for that matter.

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Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

I would go with the 243 Win. The .270 is just another 30-06. There is not enough different between the two as they are very similar. I would opt for the .243 Win. It will still work just fine on deer, will be better for varmints or predators, and have much less recoil.

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Guest ChevyMan

Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

ok thanks guys for all your $.02 guys. i kinda figured out that a .270 is just like a 30-06 and a .243 is maybe a little to small b\c the most i am going to do with it is hunt deer and hog. I read that some of you suggested to get a .308 if i wanted a change (David 218 and Shaun 300) , a .308 was my next choice. U think that would be a good gun?

Sorry i ask alot of ?. I just want to to get the right stuff.


Chevy Man

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Guest J_Owens_66

Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

I killed a very nice buck last year at 384 yards with a Ruger .243. I don't care what any of you say, the .243 is a very capable deer gun and a varmint gun at that. Go with the .243, you won't be disapointed.

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Re: new rifle .243 or .270??


Hey whats up everyone. I am looking for a new Deer rifle for the up comming deer season. Right now i have a savage 30-06, i have been talking to my dad about some different guns to get and we kinda narrowed the field down to a Rem. .243 or .270. I want something that is smaller than my 30-06, that will still knock a deer dead in his tracks. Probally the only hunting i will do with the gun is deer, hog, paper and maybe some coyote.

Thanks for the help guys.

Chevy Man

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Chevy Man, people debate this all the time but I wouldn't hunt deer with a .243. I know people do but I wouldn't suggest it.

If you want a gun with the knock down power of a 06 without the recoil you can't go wrong with a .280 or .308.

The only draw back for a .280 is that it doesn't come in dozens of bullet varities but its a great gun.

The .308 is a maverlous gun to. I've shot a couple & that will be the next calibur gun I buy when I decide to buy one.

But if you've really narrowed it down to a .243 & 270 go with the .270. You can hunt coyotes, hogs, & deer out to 200 yards plus without any problems with a .270.

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Guest lilcrackshot

Re: new rifle .243 or .270??


I have owned 3 .30-06's, now have had 2 .270's

The .270 does the job without all the recoil. That would be my choice !!


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What recoil? I am 13 and have absolutely no problems with the 30-06's recoil. Out of those two I would go with the 270 but the 25-06 in my opinion would be great.

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Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

I shoot a 243 and 25-06. Both are very capable deer rifles and I wouldn't hesitate to use either one. I've never had a deer go more than 30 yards with my 243. If you ever have a girlfriend or wife who is afraid of recoil and wants to hunt this is the perfect deer cartrige IMO.

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Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

If you want to get away from the recoil of your 30-06, don't get something built on the same case, like the .25-06, the .270, or the .280. I would suggest something on the .308 case. Either the .308, which is an awesome round, or a 7mm-08 or .260 Rem. The .260 is a great round that many people overlook. The 6.5mm bullet in it is one of the hottest bullets in long-range and benchrest shooting, because of the high BC, or Ballistic Coefficient. What all this translates into is that it is very accurate!

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Guest wthomaslee

Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

It really don't matter what rifle you shoot them with... It's the bullet that dose the killing. It is that simple. If a rifle is having trouble bringing game down it is all the fault of the bullet. Or the hunter for not getting the right bullet. I have personally went through this school already.

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Re: new rifle .243 or .270??


If a rifle is having trouble bringing game down it is all the fault of the bullet.

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Or the ability of the shooter to accurately place that bullet. wink.gif I can kill a deer quickly with a FMJ, soft point, poly tipped, or hollow point. It still has to reach the vitals.

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Guest Elkslayer54

Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

Never owned a 270 but I have a 30-06 and a 25-06 and a 6mm and a 243, The last 10 deer I shot with the 243 and 7 hogs did not know it was a 243. They just DRT died right there. The 243 is big eonugh for elk if you know your limitations. Shoot straight. Bill

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Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

i shoot a 308 and your shooting a 30-06 and a 270 is a 30-06 shell necked down. i am sure you knew that and i haven't read any other posts but yours and my first choice is the 243 you already have a gun that will get you by on most anything you want to kill in the usa the 243 you gain not only a deer gun but predator and varmits gun and your looking at a very popular cartridge in the 243. i bought a 270 and it was nice but i have been a 30 caliber man for a long time and whe i went to the 270 i was just not as happy with my results and there is nothing wrong with a 270 itps a great cartridge but for me the 308 was my first choice. i am saving up my pennies for a 243 barrel for my encore. i already have 209x50 and my 308 now i need that little gun for plinking and for the mrs to shoot her a deer as well. for me it's a no brainer the 243 is the qay to go

rob k

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Guest wthomaslee

Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

Yep, yep. Maybe I should have said the school of experience has taught me not to shoot elk bullets at whitetails and expect them to drop right there. You have to use "whitetail bullets' for that. Doh!!

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Guest Finn

Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

Either is fine and you can get bullets for both just about anywhere. Many calibers work, but if you need to restock, why get some off-beat caliber that's hard to find at stores.

I have a 270 and 243. Can't wait for my boy to grow a little so I can have the 243 back. grin.gif

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Re: new rifle .243 or .270??

Found a few things that may be of interest on

Q: Why is the .25-06 seldom, if ever, listed as one of the viable deer cartridges?

A: Beats me, the .25-06 is an excellent deer cartridge. With a 120 grain bullet it comes close to the performance of the .270 Win. Even better is the .257 Wby. Mag.


Q: Which is better for elk hunting. a .270 Win. or a .30-06 Spfd?

A: Both are satisfactory elk cartridges. The .270 and the .30-06 are based on the same case, have the same powder capacity, and are about equally effective on game. For large game like elk, moose and the great bears, the .30-06 is probably superior due to its ability to handle heavier bullets (180 grains plus), and for game at long range the .270 is probably superior due to its flatter trajectory.


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