Another question on mechanicals


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I shoot a xbow, so I'm wondering about which mech. would be best for me ? I see some open up differently and also some do not need rubber bands. I want to try some but need some advice on what to try. They are kinda pricey and don't want to have to buy abunch to try out. My xbow shoots around 300 fps.



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Re: Another question on mechanicals

Oooo Good question. I never thought about X-bows and mech heads.

I know the companies that use "Rubber Bands " say to use 2 or even 3 on very fast bows, (+300 fps) but I am not sure they meant x-bow speeds.

Although 300 fps is not blisting speeds over todays compounds so I am sure just about any mech head out there would work for you just like they do for compound bow hunters.

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Re: Another question on mechanicals

Well IMO, and I say that firmly, I prefer the ones that swing back vs. the one that side back and out via some sort of front pressure.

The ones that swing back open sooner due to being forced open and they will not close unless being pulled backwards.

The ones that slide open, only do so because of forward resistance. Well to me blood and wet tissue is more of a lube then resistance. Not only that, what ever resistance is placed on the tip to open the blades is also gonna get reverse resistance from the blades wanting to slide back closed. Unless they lock into an open position, then they will float somewhere inbetween.

Tekans do lock open but then your having to worry about hunting with barbed tips which most states consider that particular head to be when open.

I swear on my own grave, the rubber bands do an excellent job and I have never had a head fail to open, break blades or ferrals on an animal, or loose an animal using the swing back type.

Again, these are JMOs.

BTW I am 5'7" and weigh 216# currently. Not very thin I am afraid.. LOL

But working on it.

I was 237# about 6 weeks ago...

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Guest antlers21

Re: Another question on mechanicals

I to have not had a mechanical head that swing open and used the o rings to retain the blades ever fail on me. I have shot about 9 deer with them and have not lost one yet. I am more of a firm believer in shot placement but never the less they have not failed.

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