Need some help

Guest bigbuckmiddaugh

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Guest bigbuckmiddaugh

You might have a mature deer running all the little ones away, especially if you don't have a lot of doe. Then the smaller bucks will located somewhere else.

The spot where i'm hunting, i seen two little bucks, i shot one and the other is a 4 pt'r. I have doe bedding area behind me with about 5-6 adult doe using it. I don't even have a scrape yet!! I know for sure, with all them doe, i'm going to drag a buck in from a different area, when only there is a 4pt'r right now,lol.

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Re: Need some help

i would be concerned that they may have moved to an area with a higher doe population,, even if only for the rut!!!!!!! but don't give up ever.... i wouldn't rattle or grunt,, i would put out some tinks 69 ( or estrus pee of your choice) and do some doe bleats and see if you can get one to come in thinking there is a new doe in the woods.....good luck and please keep us informed..... grin.gif

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Re: Need some help

There seems to be a lot of people saying the same thing as you. Very little sign and deer movement. Not everyone, but more then last year at this time. IMO

Could be the moon phases or like others said the low doe pop is driving them to more pop areas..

Or could be a combonation of several little reason.

Whatever it is, there are still deer in your area and they will slip up as the rut starts up. In my area that is normaly around mid-Nov.

Good Luck!

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Re: Need some help

I have found the same thing in my locality here in Bristol. Sign and sightings are pretty darn rare so far in my hunting area.

As far as more buck sightings than does, that doesn't seem to be the case this year, but I have had that happen in the past couple of years. This year, I have seen only 1 spike, but there are a few scrapes and rubs that indicate that there are a few around. The trails in the bottom land are wide and deep, but few fresh tracks on them. It's a pretty weird year so far and it has me a bit be-fuddled. We'll just have to wait and see what the rest of the season brings.


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