And I thought compound stuff was pricey!!!


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I am here to tell ya.

If your getting into trad shooting or hunting because your sick of all the bells and whistles, the high prices and never ending need for the stuff.

Well just forget it.

A brand name custom recurve from Black Widow will set ya back well over $1000 to $1200.

The cheapest custom I could find was around $390.

now you could buy a Bear or Martin threw Cabelas, but your not getting half the bow you can get custon made or made by some well known bowyers...

Its like comparing the cheapo walmart bows (any of there line or brands) vs. a Mathews switchback...

if your into trad bows then you go to a few select bowyer for your weapon of choice but you PAY for it.

Oh and you wait sometime up to a year for them to make it too... frown.gif

Cedar arrows per dozen, fletched, will run ya up around $70, sometimes a bit lower most times higher. Used you can find deals but not all the time.

Heck even Gold TipTraditoinal carbon arrows will be about $10 more per dozon then their black shaft counterparts...

I have been looking for a decent, used, back or side quiver.

They all seem to run about $50 to $100. And thats used! New ones are well over $120 to $160.

For a dang quiver!!!! shocked.gifcrazy.gif

Man I guess I should feel lucky I found a good trade on my ML for this long bow and had some carbon arrows already!!! crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Ok I am finished gripe-in.... grin.gif

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Re: And I thought compound stuff was pricey!!!

Gee where are you shopping VTB? I think I paid less than $50 for each of the 2 quivers I have for my recurve and those were new quivers. Are you looking at something fancy? Now my recurve sure wasn't cheap though. Buy the time I got everything I wanted which included checkering the grip I paid about $800.

VTB, have you looked through all the quivers at 3Rivers Archery. I bought one of mine from them a couple of years ago.

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Guest psejake16

Re: And I thought compound stuff was pricey!!!

Well Black Widow is the priciest trad. comany you can find. Those prices dont surprise me one bit.

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Guest antlers21

Re: And I thought compound stuff was pricey!!!

Wow! I think I would settle for a martin or one of them quality recurves. But you sometimes get what you pay for especially custom.

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Re: And I thought compound stuff was pricey!!!

Yes it is very pricey. I have a custom long bow but got very lucky on the price. But all the stuff that goes with it is expensive.

I got a side quiver that I love and I payed less than 50 for it, don't remember where I got it. I think I ordered it off the internet somewhere!!!! Just can't remember right now!

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Re: And I thought compound stuff was pricey!!!

I have looked at 3river, cabelas, bass pro and a few other internet spot some TradGang members told me about. I have also been given the email addresses to severl leather smiths I guess you call them. They are the real pricey ones.

I do not want anything mounted to my bow so those are out. A leather product is gonna cost ya $$$ thats all there is to it.

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Re: And I thought compound stuff was pricey!!!

VTB the Boa Bow Quiver is about $40 and it doesn't mount to your bow. It attaches to your limbs with stretch rubber straps. I didn't want anything mounted to my bow either. Both of mine attached with the stretch rubber straps. That way I can easily take them off while I'm hunting.

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Re: And I thought compound stuff was pricey!!!

what do ya mean there VT.. i got my brand new Hoyt game master recurve for only 275 bucks !

ooopps sorry i got it at shop price ... grin.gifgrin.gif

yes recurves and longbows are pricey if you want quality.... and see you thought this was going to be easy didnt you ? grin.gif

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