Shuttin' Down The Nudie Bars


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Pretty sure most "dancers" do not report their income on their taxes if they even file. The government wants to regulate anything they can where they can draw more money. I personally do not think there are all that many involved in governement who are really genuinely concerned about doing what is right.

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars


I will have to go on disability and eat up every one elses hard earned tax dollars.

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What sort of disability allows someone to dance, but does not allow them to find another occupation ??

Hate to be the one to tell you this Ruby. But a stripper is a prostitute. You are selling your body as a visual fantasy. crazy.gif


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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars

How many families do you think have been broken by Men coming into your bar? Prostitution and drug use does go on at these kinds of bars. When do you draw the line? They might still be coke snorting but they could always move to Nevada. What kind of disability or illness do you have Ruby? Tell me how many strippers report fully how much they truely make on their income taxes. I would bet that the lowest paid stripper still makes as much as I do a year at a full time job so do not expect me to feel sorry for any woman who choses to be a stripper.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars

I think they should "obliterate the business".

The moral decline in this country is at an all time high. Have respect for yourself and get a respectable job. Period.

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars

I frequented a few of those places when I was in the service. I'm not totally against them, but I don't go there anymore.

On the disability issue, I have arthritus throughout my body now, and have had a slightly herniated disc in my lower back for years. I am in bad pain everyday, and I still work 10 hour days. The government wouldn't give me a disability if I requested it. And, I sure wish I could dance like I used to, but it hurts way too bad for that. You need to buck up and get a respectable job, if they shut down what you are doing now.

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars

I see the word respectable being thrown around quite freely here and Im not sure I understand it exactly.Why is this country one of the few countries where people feel its immoral to show off your body?If a ladies not ashamed of her body and can make some money in the process of showing it wheres the respectable part come in?People in this country are so hung up about nudity its not even funny, and its a fact of everyday life, everyones gonna be naked at some point and everyones gonna see someone else naked at some point.You religous folks out there can maybe answer this for me, if God made us this way whats the problem exactly?was his purpose for everyone to be ashamed of thier bodies?Were taught from an early age in this country that your body should be covered up at all times, but if you were from a country where nudity was commonplace youd think nothing of seeing people naked.The only reason exotic dancing exists in the first place is because its socially unacceptable, if nudity were common place it wouldnt even be an issue.

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars

Fayetteville, NC is sometimes called the strip club capital of North Carolina, that being said, I can count on one hand how many times I have been to one in town in the almost 10 years I have lived here, I went to a few when I was truck driver and I went to some when I was in the military on TDY. That being said, I would like to know where the drugs and prostitution are at that is so prevalent in this clubs as was stated before, because I have yet to see any, not saying it doesn't happen, but it is not as prevalent as the "moral majority" makes it out to be.

As far as Ms. Ruby being a prostitute, I feel thats a little harsh, there's a lot worse things that she could be doing and none of us here know what type of place she dances in, not every exotic dance club has dancers that go topless or fully nude. A lot of times girls find out that they can make more money dancing than doing anything else, many of them dance to support themselves while going to college so they can graduate and get a "respectable" profession. If she quit her job and started working at McDonalds and collecting government assistance while trying to go to school ya'll would lace into her for relying on government assistance and no working hard enough to get a better job. A lot of dancers make more money than those with college degrees and "respectable" jobs.

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars

I can see it now. The world according to Horst blush.gif

Everybody walking around naked, showing off their stuff ...LOL..and off course this would no doubt make sexual crimes cease to exist. What a wonderful

world this would be eh .... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Have you ever actually sat yourself down and wondered why this is not the answer .

God made woman pleasing all right, but he also wanted it to be something special between a man and a woman (husband and wife). Make the world a giant nudist camp and what do you have.....comic relief maybe. No thanks ..things are bad enough now, I think I'll pass. crazy.gif

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars


I can see it now. The world according to Horst blush.gif

Everybody walking around naked, showing off their stuff ...LOL..and off course this would no doubt make sexual crimes cease to exist. What a wonderful

world this would be eh .... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Have you ever actually sat yourself down and wondered why this is not the answer .

God made woman pleasing all right, but he also wanted it to be something special between a man and a woman (husband and wife). Make the world a giant nudist camp and what do you have.....comic relief maybe. No thanks ..things are bad enough now, I think I'll pass. crazy.gif

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Weren't we all naked before Adam and Eve sinned Buckee, if you believe in Adam and Eve that is. Other countries have no problem with the naked human form being the norm, I haven't heard of an increase in rapes and sex crimes in Africa, or even Europe where people aren't so horrified at it.

I don't want people walking around nude by any means, mainly because I'm not gonna do it. But if you are raised that way, being nude doesn't mean anything to you, it's just a way of life for some people. If you are raised to believe it is wrong, then society as a whole will believe it, if society didn't assign nudity as something to be hidden, nobody would care. I'm still not gonna go to any nude beaches any time soon, but if I/we were raised in a society not to be ashamed of nudity, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars


That being said, I would like to know where the drugs and prostitution are at that is so prevalent in this clubs as was stated before, because I have yet to see any, not saying it doesn't happen, but it is not as prevalent as the "moral majority" makes it out to be.

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Actually, I disagree with you slugs. You must of never been to Camp Lejeune area in J-ville. Matter of fact, all the strip clubs I been too had prostitution around it. Maybe not drugs but definatley hookers. I been around the world and have visited some strip clubs in my time and I must say...had I left the strip club not satisfied, I could of been satisfied pretty easy. I think strip clubs are a big military thing. When we go on deployments, usually you visit a stip club or too. Now of course not war but other odd and end deployments. That's why I say, strip clubs boost troop morale. I don't see anything wrong with them. If the women want to get up and show the world what they have, more power to them...and us grin.gif Is it something we should either is half the other stuff we do on a daily basis. My strip club days are over but I surely have visited my share. Clubs I been too in Thailand and Okinawa that would be banned in the US grin.gif

I think this is a bad topic to have in the Realtree forum though. Only because of the kids that lurk in here and the bad thing about this topic is there is no way to word things so that the corn ears can't understand.

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars


Weren't we all naked before Adam and Eve sinned

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Yeah, ..I wish I had a dollar for everytime I heard that lame arguement. I suppose by saying this and then saying that we should revert back somehow to nudity, that we will be on our way to erradicating sin somehow. Is that what your saying ??

The sex crime rate in Africa is very high, along with other crimes as well. And the chances of catching a desease from having unprotected sex is extremely high there.

I don't even know why I posted in this dumb thread. The fact is that Adam and Eve did sin and sin is our heritage, apart from Jesus Christ. Everyone knows in their heart what's wrong with this picture.

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars



That being said, I would like to know where the drugs and prostitution are at that is so prevalent in this clubs as was stated before, because I have yet to see any, not saying it doesn't happen, but it is not as prevalent as the "moral majority" makes it out to be.

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Actually, I disagree with you slugs. You must of never been to Camp Lejeune area in J-ville. Matter of fact, all the strip clubs I been too had prostitution around it. Maybe not drugs but definatley hookers. I been around the world and have visited some strip clubs in my time and I must say...had I left the strip club not satisfied, I could of been satisfied pretty easy. I think strip clubs are a big military thing. When we go on deployments, usually you visit a stip club or too. Now of course not war but other odd and end deployments. That's why I say, strip clubs boost troop morale. I don't see anything wrong with them. If the women want to get up and show the world what they have, more power to them...and us grin.gif Is it something we should either is half the other stuff we do on a daily basis. My strip club days are over but I surely have visited my share. Clubs I been too in Thailand and Okinawa that would be banned in the US grin.gif

I think this is a bad topic to have in the Realtree forum though. Only because of the kids that lurk in here and the bad thing about this topic is there is no way to word things so that the corn ears can't understand.

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The statement was about in the clubs, not around the clubs. There is plenty of prostitution around the clubs in Fayettnam, the hookers(male and female) make good money from Fort Bragg, but there is also plenty of prostitution in other parts of town where there are no clubs. Yes, strip clubs are good for troop morale, I'll give you that, even I need a little pick me up sometimes. Also, you mention being around the world, prostitution isn't looked down on in other parts of the world as it is here, Mexico for instance, I went into a bar in Nuevo Laredo, not a strip joint, just a bar, that had porno showing on TV's around the dance floor and the hookers lined up sitting on chairs against the wall. The only place you'll see that in the U.S. I guess is in Nevada, but I have been to some places in the U.S. where you coulnd't hardly get near the girls, and I've been to some where the only closer you could have gotten was to have been having intercourse with the girl. Can you guess which place I liked the most ? grin.gif

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars


Buckee, I agree with you...shame on Slugshooter for thinking such things. grin.gif Buckee we know your right in what you say, I just don't agree that's all grin.gif

I think we need to really watch though where this thread is going.....I see that thin red line getting closer to my pupils wink.gif

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Mike, are you becoming a prude? SAY IT AINT SO MIKE, SAY IT AINT SO !!!!! grin.gifgrin.gif I must admit I was expecting to see the ubiquitous "edited by Buckee" message in my last post, I guess because I used "big people" words instead of childish slang it was OK.

P.S.- Where's my omelet. blush.gif

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars


I can see it now. The world according to Horst

Everybody walking around naked, showing off their stuff ...LOL..and off course this would no doubt make sexual crimes cease to exist. What a wonderful

world this would be eh ....

Have you ever actually sat yourself down and wondered why this is not the answer .

God made woman pleasing all right, but he also wanted it to be something special between a man and a woman (husband and wife). Make the world a giant nudist camp and what do you have.....comic relief maybe. No thanks ..things are bad enough now, I think I'll pass.

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Do clothes make sex crimes cease to exist?Cause I hear about them every time i turn the T.V. on.The act of wearing clothes isnt gonna change human nature.

And I think you missed my point entirely, religion has nothing to do with nudity.Nudity, in itself isnt a sin.If we werent conditioned to hide our bodies from birth, it would be no big deal, it wouldnt even be amusing, it would simply be normal.In countries where nuditys common place nobody pays it any attention, only when you get into a "civilized" country like ours does it become a big deal.


wrong is wrong. public nudity is against gods will.

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Please show me where that is in the bible Steve because I musta never heard the passage where God said "Go put some clothes on"

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars


so, slugo, if your mother was on the bar naked, twirling gingerly, and raking in the big bucks, that would be fine with you? your sister, maybe? wrong is wrong. public nudity is against gods will.

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Well, first off, I don't have a sister, so I don't really have to worry about that one. I am pretty sure my mother, if she ever danced, certainly wouldn't be doing it at 53 years of age. And dancing in a PRIVATE strip club isn't public nudity, and what I was trying to say, although the proverbial whoosh was very evident as what I said flew over your head as usual, but Horst seemed to get it also, was that if we were raised as a society to not be ashamed or fearful of nudity, then this discussion would not be taking place, but because we have all been raised under some puritanical non-existent moral code that was instituted by an in control minority, then we are taught that nudity and sexuality in and of itself is a sin, why is what God created a sin? What is wrong to you isn't automatically wrong for someone else, regardless of how strongly you believe in it. Maybe you're wrong. In fact, I believe you are.

Don't ever bring my mother into a discussion again. Understand.

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Re: Shuttin\' Down The Nudie Bars

OK I usually don't even come into this area of the forums for the reason of blowing a fuse....and why I came today....well I am not real sure, but I do have something to say.

About God creating Adam and Eve nude and telling us to go put clothes on, and where in the Bible does it say that public nudity is against God's will.

Well let me start here... Lets have a little Bible lesson.

Did you ever notice that man/woman was created in the image of God? But what image did man reflect? Adam and Eve were created to reflect God's moral image. What do you think God saw as He watched Adam and Eve behave after their creation? The answer is He saw His own moral image!

God created us with both material components and immaterial components.


Man's physical body....God does not dwell in a physical body. The Bible states that God is Spirt(John 4:24) and that God is invisible(1 Tim. 1:17, 6:16). The fact that man was created with a physical body is not what makes him in the likeness of God. For man to be able to understand his earthly physical domain, God formed a physical body for him from the dust of the Earth. The material body allows man to express externally to God and others what is going on internally in the immaterial part of man. Without your material body no one could possibly know what is going on inside you. However the material is important it is the least of the two components.

Now don't let me loose you here.

While you only have one body, your physical body consist of many different parts such as, ears, hands, lungs, and eyes, that all have different fundtions. Your body remains one body but it has many different parts and funtions.

Your immaterial components that consist of parts such as mind, spirit, emotions, all with different functions, make up ONE immaterial person.

Now here is where it gets interesting....

The Immaterial Components.

In an effort to simplify the understanding of this important part of your humanity, we will concentrate on four essential parts of Adam and Eve's original immaterial components. These are the essential components that allowed Adam and Eve to reflect God's moral image:

1. Man's Personality(SOUL)

2. Man's Human Spirit

3. Spiritual Life

4. Man's Created Holy Nature

1. Man's Personality: I will limit personality to include 3 essential facets.....Mind(intellect) that allows man to reason, understand, and think criticallsy. Emotion(feeling) so man can experience and express love, joy, sorrow, fear, etc. Will(volition) so that man can either submit to God's will or insist on his own will.

God has personality and He created man with pesonality(soul). God does not dwell in a physical body, but He does possess itellect, emotion, and will, and God is treated in the Bible as a Person. You can understand that no personal relationship is possible unless both parties in the relationship possess the three facets of personality. Personality is one immaterial component of God and it si also on of man His creature.

2. Man's Human Spirit....

This is another of man's immaterial components. Man is not a spirit being, but he possesses a human spirit. Man's human spirit originated from God at man's creation, and through the process of human procreation, every person has a human spirit at their physical birth. Man's human spirit is the determining factor in his attitude toward God and controls everything else in his life. Before their fall, Adam and Eve's human spirit was alive toward God and enabled them to reflect His will and moral image.

The material or physical components of man can and will die, but the immortal components can never die because man possesses an eternal human spirit. You will one day die, but you can never cease to exist as a person for all of eternity, because you possess an eternal human spirit from the moment of physical conception.

3. Spiritual the term we use to describe the kind and quality of life that Adam and Eve possessed from the moment of their creation until their rebellion and fall. Physical life is simply the absence of physical death and Spiritual life is the absence of Spriitual death.

Now death in the Bible never means extinction or annihilation- it always means separation. Their possession of Spiritual Life meant that Adam and Eve were origianally spiritually alive toward God and not spiritually seperated from Him. Spiritual Life originated from the Triune Godhead consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Possessing Spiritual Life did not make Adam and Eve gods, because they did not possess Divine Life, which God alone possesses.

4. Man's Created Holy the term we use to describe the original disposition or attitude that Adam and Eve had toward God and His right to rule. Their nature determined their character and conduct. It is only one part of man, but man's inherent nature affects the total person. Their created holy nature was demonstrated by their willing and joyful obedience to God's will and commands and was reflected in their sinless reflection of God's moral image.

Adam and Eve Before the Fall.

Adam and Eve experienced the love of God, exercised their God-given freedom to choose their response, and responded in love by allowing God to teach their mind, control their emotions, and direct their wills. Their experience of the love and fellowship God offered, along with their created holy nature that governed their behavier, allowed them to truly reflect God's moral image. Adam demonstrated genuine love by maintaining an attitude of total dependence upon God. Adam's attitude of total dependence was reflected by his total obedience to God and His commands. This is how Adam and Ever were created to funtion. But they were not locked into this relationship.

How long this loving relationship between God and Adam and Eve lasted before their rebellion is not given in the Bible. Adam and Eve in their original created state were characterized by moral God-likeness or what we can call created creature holiness. This means that they reflected God's moral purity and holiness, but didn't possess God's Divine nature or Creator holiness. Their intial holiness was the result of God's creation and not the result of their choice. That is why we refer to their creature holiness as "unconfirmed creature holiness," because it was a created holiness and not the result of their conscious choice. Until their created holiness was tested, it remained unconfirmed. Their unconfirmed holiness could not become confirmed holiness until Adam and Eve were confronted with an alternative to obeying God and they actively chose to love and obey God's instructions in a real test of their desire and will.

So what went wrong!

A. Innocence was tested.... God allowed a fallen angelic being named Satan(Lucifer) to offer Adam and Eve and alternative to serving God and submitting to His rule and commands. Adam and Eve would now have to make an active choice to either in favor of God or against God. The proposition Satan proposed involved their choosing to trade their love for God for love of themselves, their dependance upon God for independance from God, and their obedience to God for disobedience and self-rule.

B. Adam and Eve Fell.

Before they chose to rebel and fell, they possessed the God given capacity to choose contrary to their created holy nature. During their period of probation, they possessed the freedom or power to choose and behave contrary to their created nature of creature holiness or sinlessness. They would now have to individually decide how they would exercise their God-given"power of contrary choice."

Their first experience of walking in fellowship with God must have been wonderful for them. The first two chapters of Genesis reveal that God initiated nothing but good things toward them and they gladly received God's love and enjoyed all that God provided.

Satan's proposition consisted of two parts: 1. "You surely shall not die" (Genesis 3:4) and 2. "in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God" (Genesis 3:5). It was Satan's way of telling Adam and Eve that if they rejected God's rule, they would be free to rule themselves.

No longer Dio-centric(totally God centered), they now became ego-centric(totally self-concious or self-centerd). But their change of attitude and declared independance from God and His rule over them did not bring them the benefits that Satan had promised.

C. Their fall brought Death.....God's warning had been,"in the day that you eat, you will surely die." The Bible records that they did not die physically that day. In fact they lived hundreds of years after their rebellion and fall. Then you might wonder what death did they experience that day. They died spiritually. Their human spirit that was origanally alive toward God was now dead toward God. Spiritual death is simply spiritual seperation from God. They also lost their created holy nature and now became totally confirmed in a dispostion or attitude of total enmity(hatred) against God and His rule. This all happened by and act of sin. Their created holy nature was replaced by a sinful or lawless nature that would not and could not submit itself to God's rule or His commands. They purposely avoided God as He entered the garden after the fall (Gen. 3:8). This new nature would be known as sin nature. Sin nature can be defined as the capacity adn desire to leave God out of one's life. Their fall left them locked into a master-slave relationship under their sinful nature. Because of its position as master, the sin nature now had the authority to dominate and totally control every aspect of their fallen humanity.

If you don't know when they hid from God as He entered the garden is when they covered themselves. So you ask why nakedness it against God's will, pretty easy actually. Since the fall of man....that's when sin nature was born into all humanity.

If you would like more on this brief Bible lesson.....feel free to pm me. I would be more than happy to spend more time educating anyone who wishes.

God is good all the time and all the time God is GOOD!

Josh wink.gif

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