Doc Posted June 1, 2005 Report Share Posted June 1, 2005 Interesting article in the paper last night. It appears that somebody is getting concerned about a personality change in coyotes. They are claiming that coyotes are getting more aggressive, and that includes toward humans. At least there is enough of a concern that the NY DEC has offered a $428,000 grant to Cornell University in Ithaca, NY to study the situation. The claim is that coyotes are losing their fear of humans primarily because of their invasion into urban and suburban areas where hunting and trapping are not taking place. California researchers documented 89 coyote attacks on people between 1978 and 2003. Another claim is that within the city limits of Los Angeles, they have an average of 11 coyotes per square mile..... That's amazing! Apparently, here in NY there have been "growing instances of coyotes appearing in daylight, chasing joggers and bicyclists or confronting people walking their dogs". It's kind of neat because this same paper carried a whole bunch of letters to the editor written by people who were just completely shocked over the coyote hunting contest that was being sponsored by a local hunting club. Apparently they felt coyotes are just cute little puppy dogs that happen to live in the wild. That was just a couple of months ago. Perhaps they might see things a bit differently now. Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest gfourhunter Posted June 1, 2005 Report Share Posted June 1, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore one of my friends 2 year old girl was attacked by a coyote. she was playing in the yard making squiling rabbit like sounds and the coyote attacked her. we got the dog away from her and killed it. took the dog to a vet and had it cheched for raybes. everything was ok as far as the vet said. the girl will never look at a dog the same. i say kill them all . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
smo Posted June 2, 2005 Report Share Posted June 2, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore Here in Va. we are starting to get a healthy population of yotes. They are killing our calves. I say kill them all. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoosierhunter Posted June 2, 2005 Report Share Posted June 2, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore I live in Indiana and have had two close encounters with coyotes....The first happened about 10 years ago when 5 yotes surrounds our two dogs in the yard......I ran outside with the closest thing I could find and that was my driver and believe me those yotes were in no hurry to leave....I actually thought for a second they might come at me.....The second was two years ago with three of em.....This time they weren't so quiet lucky as I had the 30.06 handy......Those yotes disappeared into the corn that was about chest high....I grabbed the 30.06 and my my dad drove me in the back of the truck down to the end of the field....When we got there the three yotes were about 150 yards away.....They didn't run when we pulled in the field and the 30.06 barked on the first dog and he didn't get far..The other two ran off out to 375 and stopped and looked back.....hehehe big mistake.....I smoked that one just behind the shoulder.....So two out of three met their maker.....But in both instances those yotes weren't scared of humans........ I have no problem with helping to control the coyote population around my place........ BTW our hunting buddy lost his hunting beagal to yotes....He heard them get ahold of him back in a brair patch behind the house....There was no way to get there in time...... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
christsavedme Posted June 2, 2005 Report Share Posted June 2, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore Man we are getting so many yotes on our place in TN it is crazy. I saw a lot more this past deer season than I can ever remember. One of our local biologist says that it is because of the rise in our rabbit population. That whenever you have the right kind of cover for a good rabbit population that you have the right cover for a good yote population as well. Makes since I guess. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted June 2, 2005 Author Report Share Posted June 2, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore The real scary part of all this is that, here in the east, the coyotes have no natural predators. There is nothing but humans to perform the population control of what appears to be a very prolific species. Scary point number two is that it seems that there are a lot of hunters who really don't make any effort to hunt coyotes. Scary point number three is that the number of trappers (probably the most effective contol) has dwindled down to nearly none. It used to be that nearly every rural kid ran a trapline for extra cash. Now you would be hard pressed to find a trapper of any age. So, with all these factors in place, what on earth will ever keep these critters from losing their fear of humans. Coyotes are very adaptable and intelligent creatures and it is no surprise that they are recognizing that they have nothing to fear from man. As the numbers grow, this problem is likely to get much worse. It sounds like the makings for a great movie Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RangerClay Posted June 2, 2005 Report Share Posted June 2, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore I saw an excellent article done by J. Micheal Kelly very similar to this article recently in the Syracuse Herald Journal. This is an issue that needs to be addressed soon. I have photographic evidence of the distruction coyotes are doing to our deer herd. Unfortunately this past winter many NY hunters focused their attention on themselves and the changes to the bow season rather than the quality of the herd. IMHO I would be all for a year round coyote season. Ranger Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rayzorp Posted June 2, 2005 Report Share Posted June 2, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore This is very interesting,, here in NJ, coyotes existed, but RARELY would you see one, now they are popping up everywhere. Several coyote carcasses were found several months ago, local wildlife officials claim they were killed by bear. I'm going scouting in the next few weeks, I'll keep my eyes open..let you all know what I find,,, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tominator Posted June 2, 2005 Report Share Posted June 2, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore Interesting. Just this past fall and winter I had 2 yotes hanging around my property. One of them I can tell you was definitely the same yote because he had a very dark coat, it was black in most spots, the other one was pretty mangy, so I'm pretty sure it was the same ones. Anyway, the mangy one got very close to my house on a few occasions. One morning right before Christmas my wife said she saw one in the field. I loaded the .22 and headed out for it, but it was gone by the time I could load the gun. As I walked out the front door, I noticed its tracks in the snow, not 10' from the corner of my house! . About a month later that same yote cruised through my neighbor's field, about 30 yards from me. Never did get a shot off at that thing, and I haven't seen either one in quite some time now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
western NY bowhunter Posted June 2, 2005 Report Share Posted June 2, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore We don't seem to have these problems with coyotes around my house. Usually if you see a coyote out here in the country they will take off running like h*ll if you even stop to look at them from 200-300 yds. away. They don't even give you an opportunity to put the clip in the gun, much less get out and get a shot at one. You'd think that they'd been shot at before or something? They definately seem to recognize who the dominate predator is in this neck of the woods . By the way, coyote season is 365 days a year around here...if I see one I'll try to take him out no matter what time of year it is. Here's a pretty neat story...last week my uncle saw a coyote out in an hayfield messing around with a doe. She must of had a fawn nearbye because she was chasing the coyote around until it finally got tired of running and turned around and started nipping at her. The doe then proceeded to beat the living sh*t out of the coyote with her front hooves. The coyote turned around and started running for its life with the doe in hot pursuit...she chased it right through a barbedwire fence. That was one mean momma! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThethirdI Posted June 2, 2005 Report Share Posted June 2, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore The claim is that coyotes are losing their fear of humans primarily because of their invasion into urban and suburban areas...... This is a quote from the original entry. It strikes me as odd that the wild animal is always labeled as the invader when in fact it is urban sprawl and human beings that are the invaders. When will people learn that there has to be room for all of us ( animals and people)? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThethirdI Posted June 3, 2005 Report Share Posted June 3, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore Before I get labeled as saying poor coyote. I would also like to say that I think that the problem should be kept under control. Urban sprawl will not stop so there will have to be a solution. I personally would like to use my bow to create a solution. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
western NY bowhunter Posted June 3, 2005 Report Share Posted June 3, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore ThethirdI: I agree with you 100%...urban sprawl is the greatest threat to wildlife in the country and probably the world too. Its a terrible thing...something that is going to get much worse with every passing year . I wholehearedly believe that the native wildlife is the real victim of human/wildlife confrontations due to urbanization...not the people. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wtnhunt Posted June 3, 2005 Report Share Posted June 3, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore No doubt they are a problem here. I try to eliminate every one I see. If they will chase an animal as large as an adult deer, why would we not expect them to not be afraid of people. Around here they do hunt in packs, and there are likely some coydogs around. They say a coydog is not in any way afraid of man. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted June 3, 2005 Author Report Share Posted June 3, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore Well, I certainly would like to get on the bandwagon that likes to villify people and their creations and cry about the negative impacts they all have on wildlife. It might make me "feel" real good to do that. Unfortunately, I can't. For the most part, man has safeguarded wildlife during his required expansion, perhaps a bit too well in some cases. The fact is that right along with other creatures of nature, our numbers are expanding too. While I don't particularly like that, I have to recognize it as a "natural" situation as well. It may also interfere with my ideal view of how life should be and how I would like the world to look, but human expansion is a force that we cannot contain. Since we are the dominant animal on the planet right now, other animals come into our domain at their peril. It should never be the other way around. Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
muggs Posted June 3, 2005 Report Share Posted June 3, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore there's been two attacks on humans this year, both happened in two large national reserves. In my area, they are as dense as any other area of Ohio. Attacks on dogs have increased too, not just small dogs, but even sheppards and labs etc... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest lilcrackshot Posted June 3, 2005 Report Share Posted June 3, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore Yeah, out here in Kansas we have a big population of yotes and they get used to people and lose their fear. I was out hiking/ scouting and I found this coyote out in a hay field. I didn't know it was there until I was about 5 feet from it and it scared me half to death. If I would of had a gun it would have been hanging on my wall. It just sat there and looked at me and then started snarling and yelping. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
preacherman Posted June 3, 2005 Report Share Posted June 3, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore Don't like them........never have, never will! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squirrelhunter91 Posted June 4, 2005 Report Share Posted June 4, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore I am not going to express my opinion on this one because I might say something stupid and end up off this board. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SaskMan Posted June 6, 2005 Report Share Posted June 6, 2005 Re: Coyotes aren\'t so coy anymore I think coyotes and humans coexist pretty well up here. I suppose that is easier here than in many places in the U.S simply b/c of inhabitation, we have less than a million people in Saskatchewan. Coyotes can be a problem but as far as threatening towards way. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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