first kills of year!!


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This am was nice and calm so i got out the .223 and went for a rip, first 2 calling places got winded once [wint got up to abotu 10mph while at first stand] the third one had a fox rip bu me and not offer a shot in the rolling hills, if I wouold of ahd a shotgun it would of been the end! grin.gif Ohwell thats what its all about, next stand had 2 pups coming in from the north,I kept on barking at them and doing a bit of squeeling and then out of noware a big male was sitting on the edge of a hill about 250 yards away, I tried to coax him in but no luck so I settled the crosshairs and heard a thump and he was gone, before I could put another shell in him his feet were in the air kicking,#1 for the year, as I am walkign the 500 yards or so to the truck out I seen a coyote 3/4 mile away by a slough sitting there, the slough is only abotu 500 yards from the road so igot to the road drove up as close to the slough as possable walked in and reached the hill and knew he was close so I started to lip squeek, he started to take off the other side I grabbed the howler and let otu 3 barks, he stopped in his tracks,I cranked the scopeup to 9 powersettled the crosshairs abotu 4" above his back and let it rip he dropped and did a few kicks and was done, I walked it out and was abotu 365 yards!! What a way to start a year out!! Now the fun part the skinning begins!! smirk.gif

bTW the hides are looking pretty good, the first one is great and the second a female is ok but a bit dark in the belly still,!

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Re: first kills of year!!

Awsome jcwa thanks to you!!! till I started here and you got me goin on the howler not sure how i ever did so good LOL!! Tonight I was at the end of a big draw, let out a couple howls and barks and then went on the rabbit squeel with the odd playfull bark making it sound like soem young pups playin with a rabbit,I see a coyote crest a hill 1/4 mile away, I use the rabbit call and he is just sittign there looking down the draw,I grab the primos howler give 3 quick barks and he heads right down the draw, at 250 yards he stops I give 2 more barks and he continues down, he is then going into another draw that fingers out so i am not sure if he will come up the bank or foolow it around to get downwind so I give out a howl, he stops and sits and stivcks his head up and gives a wierd howl, not sure what to think of it it was more like a serios of short howls btu all together, not sure how to explain it, anyways the 55 gr hollowpoint hit home,the only thing he took off like a rocket across the draw and down the opposite side abotu 200 yards across, I took 3 more shots the third in the rump[need soem practice on those runnign shots this year having a few problems] anyways he stops stands there wobbles and drops!!the first bullet caught him on a angle and took out 1 lung and the front of the opposite front shoulder, he ran at least 300 yardsbefore dropping, the other shots were not nessesary but who knows!!ALl three today had no damage with the .223 startign to really liek th4e little gun!

jcwa do you remember the website were they have the different sounds of the howls of coyotes?? I had ist saved and lost it when my computer crashed, just tryign to figure out what type of howl that coyote made!Thanks!!

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