POLL on snow camo????


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Solid White?


White back ground with black branches?

Factor to consider:

Hunting in northern hardwoods and open fields, edges, and ditch rows. Definately will have snow on the ground.. LOL

I have an all white jump suit given to me that will fit over the largest of extreme cold weather coats I can muster.

I have a hood with it too.

I was thinking of "camo-ing" it up with flat black spray paint to add "branches" and break it up a bit.

Would you leave it solid white or add the camo?


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Re: POLL on snow camo????

I don't use snow camo yet. Hardwoods HD works awesome in winter, especially snow. I'm usually never in the wide open, usually always against a tree. So, I haven't found a big use for snow camo yet.

But, I would go with Hardwoods Snow if I needed a snow pattern.

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Re: POLL on snow camo????

I would think the broken up white would be better than a big solid white thing moving through the woods, but I don't think I would use spray paint to add the black break up, I think it would be hard to control and there would be a lot of spreading of the paint as it absorbed into the fabric. Plus when it dries it will be hard and will probably crack when you bend and move. Go to a craft store and get fabric paint, it will work much better and give you better control when applying. I could be wrong, but had a lot of trouble using spray paint on one of my boy's halloween costumes last year....

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Re: POLL on snow camo????

The material will not absorb the paint. Its a very thin polyester or simular fabric. Being a clean room suit, I am sure it is not cheapy material either..

I think the flat black paint will be ok and I can control wide spray by using a straw nossle like on a WD40 can...

Its how I did camo before on other things and works well for getting thin pattern applications.

However I want larger bloches too. Plus it should only take like 5 mintues to hit the suit with it.. LOL

Yes I am lazy too...

Although I got some time still and a 1/2 dozen sharppie markers could get me some real "sharp" looking patterns if I take my time...

But did I mention I am lazy...???

Thanks folks, I decided to go with some sort of black added to the solid white.

Just never used snow camo before and was really not sure how well solid white works...

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