Anybody catch the "Nuge" on Hannity yesterday?


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THe motor city madman was on the Sean hannity (radio) show yesterday. He was AWESOME!!!!! The highlight (for me)of the show was when he talked about how fortunate we are to live in the US. Basically, he said we can all thank the good Lord for being born an American! He talked about being in Alaska recently on a hunt with his son and shooting at drift wood in the ocean with their handguns and realizing that in most other countries, that would not be legal!!!! frown.gif he then talked about how assinine it is- how it is not hurting anyone, how it was just a bonding experience with his son- a little eye-hand coordination. Then he said repeat after me: "You can't do that in France"! grin.gif Just reminded me of how many freedoms we enjoy in this great land.

Now, I don;t agree with everything he stands for , but he "kicks butt" when it comes to hunting, the outdoors and 2nd amendment rights!

I guess what he had to say yesterday just struck a nerve with me! Anybody else feel the same way?

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