Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!

Guest Andrea

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Guest Andrea

OKay, there hasn't been much going on in here with us gals so I thought I would post some questions for everyone.

1. How did you get started hunting and how old were you?

2. How often do you hunt when the season is in?

3. How many of you are married or dating a guy that does NOT hunt?

4. What species do you hunt for primarily and how many do you average a season?

5. And last but not least, if you had to choose between hunting or a romantic evening out with your significant other, which would you choose?? grin.gif

Just wondering!!

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Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!

1. How did you get started hunting and how old were you? I didn't start hunting seriously until I was about 28-29 years old. I started because I never thought I would love to fish and accidently found out how much fun it was. That made me decide to try hunting again and I fell in love!

2. How often do you hunt when the season is in?

As often as I can, that usually means early mornings and weekends.

3. How many of you are married or dating a guy that does NOT hunt?

Not me....he eats, sleeps and breathes hunting!

4. What species do you hunt for primarily and how many do you average a season?

I hunt whitetails and we are only allowed to have one of them.

5. And last but not least, if you had to choose between hunting or a romantic evening out with your significant other, which would you choose??

Right now I could really use a night out, but my other half thinks that hunting IS a romantic thing to do! LOL

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Guest Andrea

Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!


1. How did you get started hunting and how old were you? I was 28 and decided I wanted to shoot something after Sept.11 2001. Honest.

2. How often do you hunt when the season is in?

Every day-- early mornings and afternoons. It consumes me.

3. How many of you are married or dating a guy that does NOT hunt?

Johnny lives to hunt.

4. What species do you hunt for primarily and how many do you average a season?

Whitetails. Average 4-5 a year.

5. And last but not least, if you had to choose between hunting or a romantic evening out with your significant other, which would you choose?? grin.gif

HUNTING IN A "DOUBLE STAND" grin.gifblush.gif

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Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!

1. How did you get started hunting and how old were you? Grew up on a farm and chose to follow my grandpa-dad-brother with hunting instead of being inside with my mom. Hunted since I could walk-shot my first woodduck drake when I was 7 years old with a single shot 20 gauge-and he's mounted.

2. How often do you hunt when the season is in? I hunt as much as I possible can-dependent on school and how many vacation days I can burn up. I tend to disappear each weekend in the fall.

3. How many of you are married or dating a guy that does NOT hunt? I am single recently-my ex didn't hunt. He wasn't interested in anything I had to say about it. No comment....

4. What species do you hunt for primarily and how many do you average a season? I am mainly a bird hunter-waterfowl-pheasants-grouse-turkeys. I do deer hunt and have an elk and hog hunt on my list of things to do (along with Africa someday) Hey a girl can dream right! smile.gif

5. And last but not least, if you had to choose between hunting or a romantic evening out with your significant other, which would you choose?? Hunting-because you can make it romantic wink.gif

Ok Where's my prize now? lol j/k

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Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!


1. How did you get started hunting and how old were you?

(i think i was 27, my sister married a hunter and she went turkey hutning and got one, she brought it here for cleaning, i was hooked just seeing that bird,went the next hunt with her(duck hunting) and i have been hunting ever since)

2. How often do you hunt when the season is in?

(as many days as i can....usually 3 days a week, i even take off work every year, they knew when they hired me that i would not work if i got a permit and if i didnt have a permit, i would still need at least 2 days a week regardless because i would be hunting somewhere that didnt require a permit)

3. How many of you are married or dating a guy that does NOT hunt?

(mine hunts very rarely, mainly duck, if he goes out for deer or turkey or even hog, i am amazed)

4. What species do you hunt for primarily and how many do you average a season?

(turkey is my passion, i usually get 1-2 every year, 2 is the bag limit)

5. And last but not least, if you had to choose between hunting or a romantic evening out with your significant other, which would you choose?? grin.gif

( hunting without a doubt, but he knows that, lol)

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Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!

1. How did you get started hunting and how old were you? My dad started taking me to shoot our guns when I was real young.... like maybe 7 or 8? Started out with a .22 and shooting squirrels and now I'm up to shootin our 7mm Remington poppin the deer!

2. How often do you hunt when the season is in? Not nearly as often as I'd like. Maybe 2 weeks out of the year......since we have to drive over an hour to where we hunt.

3. How many of you are married or dating a guy that does NOT hunt? Been dating a guy now for over 5 years that doesn't hunt OR fish. Heck, he's never even shot a gun. (My dad gives him crap about it all the time.) He's never actually asked me not to go, but he makes me feel guilty about going. I get REAL tired of it sometimes.

4. What species do you hunt for primarily and how many do you average a season? Deer...... and I usually only kill 1 a year. All of them being does except for one button buck. Passed on a spike last year and my dad thought I was crazy for doing so. Buuuuuut I told him I was waiting for something bigger. grin.gif Hopefully my patience last year will reward me this fall.

5. And last but not least, if you had to choose between hunting or a romantic evening out with your significant other, which would you choose?? There's no choice really.... LOL! I'd go hunting - for sure.

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Guest bexar_county89

Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!

1. How did you get started hunting and how old were you? I was prolly about 11 when i actually started to hunt, but i was goin out in the woods before that

2. How often do you hunt when the season is in? I try to hunt as often as possible even if i've already filled a tag or two smirk.gif

3. How many of you are married or dating a guy that does NOT hunt? I was lucky enough to find one who hunts with me, i don't know if I could date a guy who disapproves of what I love the most

4. What species do you hunt for primarily and how many do you average a season? Every thing I can. I've hunted cariboo, moose, antelope, white tail, mulies, geese, ducks, i think that sums it up lol

5. And last but not least, if you had to choose between hunting or a romantic evening out with your significant other, which would you choose?? Hmm, considering my honey hunts, i'd combine the two!!!! laugh.giflaugh.gif

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Guest Finn

Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!


Gosh...sounds like we all have SOMETHING in common!?!?! grin.gif

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Yeah, you all need better men in your life after reading #5...Ooops, did I say that outloud? grin.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!



Gosh...sounds like we all have SOMETHING in common!?!?! grin.gif

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Yeah, you all need better men in your life after reading #5...Ooops, did I say that outloud? grin.gif

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Now wait just a minute....you know darn well that if the same question were asked of men, the results would be the same. Especially for those who have been married a while. Am I right?????

Besides, I said hunting in a double stand. Best of both worlds. So there. tongue.gif

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Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!


By the way Finn, what are you doing in the "ladies room"??????????????????????????????????????


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blush.gif sorry, ladies...this is my last time smirk.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!



By the way Finn, what are you doing in the "ladies room"??????????????????????????????????????


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blush.gif sorry, ladies...this is my last time smirk.gif

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Just pickin on ya Finny. You can come in anytime. tongue.gif

Like you said, we need better men....right??? grin.gif

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Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!

Kudos to you ladies. for knowing how to enjoy simple things in life such as the outdoors. I find myself coming into your room now and then to see what you all have to say about the outdoors.I find it intriging . I guess cause my wife doesn't like anything about hunting. When I come home from hunting and want to tell somone about an awesome experience , she doesn't want to hear one word about it. Good thing I have the forums to come to , to ventilate.good luck this fall, looking forward to reading about your hunts....ta ta for now.

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Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!

1. I got started by my father and I was 12

2. At least 6 out of 7 days if not all 7

3. I am married but I hunt more than he does

4. deer and 1 or 2 bow season and 1 or 2 gun season.

5. And last I would rather hunt any day of the week than to have a romantic night out. We might have a romantic night out every once in a while but we both are to busy hunting and fishing to dress up and go out on the town.

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Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!


I think that Double-Bull blind would come in handy too. You know, for rainy days. grin.gif I'm horrible. grin.gif

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Gotta appreciate that kind of thinkin wink.gif

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Guest bexar_county89

Re: Hey ladies!!!!!!!!!


I think that Double-Bull blind would come in handy too. You know, for rainy days. grin.gif I'm horrible. grin.gif

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lmao you are horrible, but hilarious!!!!!

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