World Record to be confiscated in OK!!


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Re: World Record to be confiscated in OK!!

I saw this on the news the other morning, wanted to try and post it here, but could never find it. Now the story I saw here was that the guy who shot the deer supposedly had permission to hunt this ranch with a ranch hand present, which there was. There is supposed to be a court date for I believe July, I will try and keep you up to date.

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Re: World Record to be confiscated in OK!!

From what I've heard: The guy who shot the deer actually went to high school with the landowner but they weren't close friends. He was on the guy's farm with a ranch hand and the hand had told him to bring a gun in case they saw some deer. Basically, they were probably planning on poaching.

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Re: World Record to be confiscated in OK!!


That's a monster. Why wouldn't they just charge him with trespassing and let him keep the deer? Esspecially if it was shot following all other laws.

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The deer has already been estimated to be worth 20,000 to 30,000 bucks! I'm pretty sure there is already a court date set for this trial. The land owner wants rights to the antlers as well as the shooter. The shooter supposedly had permission as long as he was with the ranch hand--however the ranch hand was not right with him when he shot the buck.

Too bad it ended up this way----a buck like that deserves more!


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Re: World Record to be confiscated in OK!!

As I understand, even if the guy that shot the buck is convicted of trespassing the landowner doesn't get the antlers anyhow because it would be considered poached.

Soends like it may be a case of having permission from the familly but not from the actual landowner.

I know of a few places that I hunt that if I killed a monster like that some of the familly would be very angry. But as long as you kill medicore deer they don't care if you hunt but if they know there are monster bucks on the property the hunting will cease.

And I don't believe it is a World record but a State Record.

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Re: World Record to be confiscated in OK!!

Yep, heard about it. I don't know all the details yet except what has been said here and what is claimed so far in a newspaper article. Sounds like there are 2 stories being told by the landowner and the guy that killed the deer. I'd hate to comment too much on this one until all the facts come to light.

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Re: World Record to be confiscated in OK!!


But the land onwner does not own the deer. If he had permission to hunt there, the land owner knew he was there, the farm hand was there it should be his deer. If someone tresspassed on my property shot a big buck and was caught, why would I get the horns? I don't own them. Deer are a moving resorce, nobody owns them. Just because he is on your property does not mean he is your belonging.

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Principal is as big of a reason to me. A lot of people put in countless hours and hard work to grow and even hunt big bucks. Suddenly some guy sneaks accross the line and its a free for all? No thanks...

Think of the flood gate that would open. I could sneak onto anyones land I wished and at the most I would face a small fine. Bad idea.

I watched someone shoot a small fork horn under me several years back. I was mad as all get out. I wouldnt have taken that small buck and this guy snuck his dad and his son onto our place. They thumped the small buck and tried to make a run with it. I let them keep it because it was his boy's first deer. Had it been either of the men I guarantee you it would have been a different outcome.

If we open this thing up and let people keep what they poach then when and where can you draw the limit? Maybe you dont have a major problem with that stuff up there but honestly its a BIG problem down here. I hunt my grandparents 1000acre ranch and every year we have to run off other hunters that just decided to park and jump the fence. Not only is it frustrating, its dangerous.

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