I got me a nice fat doe!


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I was out bow hunting with my 5 year old this afternoon and after about 30 minutes or so on stand my boy (Bill) started shaking like mad. I asked him what was wrong thinking he was cold. He said there was a deer right in front of us. I looked and looked and couldn't see anything so I had him point it out and sure enough there she was about 125 yards up the hill. ( I thought yeah right in front of us)

Any how after about half hour she walked right down our trail at 15 yards and took a rocket straight through both lungs.

She weighed around 130 lbs dressed.

A good start for the season! And the best fun ever taking a deer with the youngest boy in tow!


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Re: I got me a nice fat doe!


Nice job Todd. That is awesome. Haven't heard from you in a while. Tell Larry I said hello and congratulations again.


[/ QUOTE ]

Larry just read this and says HI! You folks need to come down here for deer! It is like a petting zoo! Few signs of the rut right now, but it is going to get going soon!


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Guest finnlander

Re: I got me a nice fat doe!

Does it get any better than that. I have a four year old and can't wait to share the same experience with him as you just did with your son. CONGRATS. Maybe you better take him with you more often. BETTER SET OF EYES. Lol.......

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