Hunt for ?????

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Me and a buddy were talking, and got an idea. I figured this was the place to ask since it is full of great people.

We are looking for a place to go for a week or so to bowhunt whitetails, outside of New York, preferably out West more (Ohio, Iowa, Kansas,Etc). Pretty much anywhere we have a decent chance at a 130" buck or better.

We are not really looking for a guide service, pretty much just want to hook up with another forum member or two and hang out, hunt, etc. Defintly looking for private land, not public.

So if anyone has a camp, or wants to put up 2 honest New Yorkers with an addiction to bowhunting, let me know - we can work out some type of deal.

Neither one of us has any land to offer a hunt swap, but we would be willing to pay a little, work a little, bring some new stands and leave them there, a dozen Gold Tip Realtree arrows with wraps, whatever.

This may be far fetched, but I figured we would giver her a try!


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Re: Hunt for ?????

I'd try and put ya up here in a hotspot in Illinois but good luck drawing a tag...its year let me know sooner and I can probably hook you up

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Re: Hunt for ?????

If you really want to hunt Ohio, don't overlook the public ground here. The Wayne National Forest is huge. There are places there that you could hunt all week and not see another hunter, and plenty of little towns to stay in.

I'd gladly have you over, but I think you'd get pretty tired of my little 3 acre field out back.

Good luck.

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Re: Hunt for ?????


I am from Pratt. I hunt up around Stafford, and down west of Medicine Lodge.

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How bout inviting and Okie for either birds or Deer? grin.gif

Im dieing to hunt another local state but cant seem to make it come together for less then a small fortune.

Who lives in AR or KS that is willing to take pitty on a poor little okie? wink.giftongue.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Hunt for ?????

That would be awesome!

I live in NE Oklahoma... 45 miles NE of Tulsa. The kansas line isnt that far north and the arkansas line is roughly 15-20 miles.

I have never hunted birds. Sad i know. The quail population around here has been on a steady decline for years. Its actually just now starting to pic up. We also dont have pheasant unless you drive up north to the line. I love to eat both so I wouldnt be afraid to take you up on that.

Another thing that kills me is we are bordered between a couple of the largest buck states and my part of the state grows rag horns! I have seen some VERY nice bucks around but they are way few and far between unlike Kansas and Texas.

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Re: Hunt for ?????


We have some pretty nice bucks up here. I have missed plenty of them!!

Let me know when and what you want to hunt. We have plenty of quail and phesants around here. And quite a few deer too!

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I may very well take you up on that!

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Re: Hunt for ?????

Illinois Department of Natural Resources

June 14, 2005

Notice to 2005 Nonresident Archery Deer Hunters

Summary of rule changes that affect archery permit distribution and harvest reporting for the upcoming hunting season.

The process for obtaining Non-resident Archery Deer Permits for the 2005 season has been changed. Permits will NOT be available on a first-come, first-served basis via the phone. Instead all hunters will submit applications via phone or internet for inclusion in a lottery draw that will take place after July 31, 2005.

As of June 15, 2005 the Illinois Department of Natural Resources will be accepting applications for 2005 non-resident archery deer hunting permits. The permits will be issued through a computerized random lottery drawing this summer involving those hunters who apply by phone or through the Department web site through July 31.

Up to 20,000 combination archery deer permits have been allocated for non-resident bow hunters. The combination permits consist of one either-sex permit and one antlerless-only permit. The fee for the non-resident combination archery deer permit is $325 plus a processing fee.

Non-resident hunters may apply through July 31 via telephone using the IDNR telephone vendor system at 1-800/705-4164 or through the IDNR web site at the following address:

Clients of outfitters licensed by IDNR will be given preference in the drawing for the first 7,500 of the 20,000 combination permits. Clients of licensed outfitters should contact the outfitter prior to applying to receive a certification number to be used in the application process to verify their outfitter client status.

If the number of eligible outfitter clients in the drawing is less than 7,500, all remaining permits will be allocated to other applicants until the maximum number of permits (20,000) is issued. If the number of eligible outfitter clients in the drawing exceeds 7,500, those outfitter clients unsuccessful in obtaining one of the first 7,500 permits will be included in the drawing with other applicants for the remaining 12,500 permits.

Non-residents may submit only one application for a non-resident combination archery deer permit. Up to six hunters may apply as a group. Permits allocated to clients of outfitters from among the first 7,500 permits drawn are valid only on the property controlled by that outfitter.

The non-resident archery permits will be issued using a computerized random lottery drawing conducted after July 31. In addition to the 20,000 combination permits, an unlimited number of anterless-only archery deer permits will be available to any non-resident for $25 each. The antlerless-only permits will be available at any of the more than 1,200 IDNR license agents.

Non-resident deer hunters are required to possess a valid Illinois Non-Resident Hunting License ($50.75 for an annual license or $28.75 for a five-day license) and an Illinois Habitat Stamp ($5.50) in addition to their deer permit (unless otherwise exempt). These licenses and stamps may be purchased at the time of application for the non-resident archery deer permit via telephone or the Department’s web site, or from any IDNR license vendor.

The new permit application procedure for non-resident bow hunters replaces a telephone-only system through which permits were issued on a first-come, first-served basis in recent years.

Deer hunters are also advised that harvest reporting requirements have changed effective with the 2005-06 season. Successful hunters beginning this fall must register their harvest by 10 p.m. on the same calendar day the deer is or are taken by calling a toll-free telephone check-in system at 1-866-ILCHECK or by accessing the on-line check-in system at

Hunters will be provided with a confirmation number to verify that they checked in their harvest. This number must be written by the hunter onto the temporary harvest tag (leg tag). The deer must remain whole (or field dressed) until it has been checked in through the new check-in system.

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Re: Hunt for ?????

I live in Ohio and mostly hunt on public land but have had a chance at a 120 or 130 every year for the past few years. I just haven't been able to get the shot to come together. They are there just taunting me. You just have to be willing to walk farther than the lazy guy.

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