Guilty or Innocent?


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Re: Guilty or Innocent?

I think he will be found innocent, and I hope he is found innocent. Not because I think he is, but beacuse the people that brought this on him want one thing and one thing only. His MONEY! They knew Jackson was a freak before they sent their kid there, so as far as I am concerned they {the kids parents} should go to the hole.

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Re: Guilty or Innocent?


...beacuse the people that brought this on him want one thing and one thing only. His MONEY! They knew Jackson was a freak before they sent their kid there, so as far as I am concerned they {the kids parents} should go to the hole.

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My thoughts exactly!!!!!

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Re: Guilty or Innocent?

Alot of guilty votes in here. That means alot of Realtree members were either in the courtroom or, possibly, have been molested by Michael Jackson personally and would know, first hand.

Nobody who replied to this thread knows one way or another and some are honest enough to admit it. Others say 'he looks like a freak, he must be guilty'. Others claim, before the verdict mind you, that he bought innocense. But we all hate when people judge us because we hunt. Something doesn't make sense here.

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Re: Guilty or Innocent?

guilty or innocent.... guess it doesn't matter (although I think he's guilty).... I just know on the day of reckoning, he will answer to a higher power. And when that day comes, and it will, the final verdict will be handed down! Honestly, I think he will burn, but who knows.

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Re: Guilty or Innocent?

being an eccentric makes him liable for a lot of things but i am not sure how it will actually go but there is a better chance of him going free though people think there is something quite wrong with him. being who he is it makes him a target and at the same time his money can get him things and people will take advantage of him but he also take advantage of peoples wanting money frpm him

he will probably get off but i think his days are numbered

someone is going to put a bullet hin him after he walks. some dad or mom will be pretty ticked off

rob k

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Re: Guilty or Innocent?

Before we all start accusing the parents here I think that we need to take a few things into consideration.

1. Jackson is as broke as joke, his neverland ranch is being sold due to lack of funds.

2. Jackson has already tried to settle out of court for a large lump sum and the family refused.

Now wouldn't you think that if the family was in it for the money that there would not be a trial going on? I think that it's funny how alot of you are criticizing the parents with their actions with out even knowing the circumstances of the situation. I honestly hope and pray that this man is found guilty and is punished accordingly

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Re: Guilty or Innocent?

My problem with the parents is this. This isn't the first accusations of this going on with Jackson, as we all know. And yet these so-called parents allowed their children to go there, spend the night with him and whatever else!!!!!

There is no way I would allow my children to be alone with this "it". And any parent that would, needs to re-organize their priorities.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Guilty or Innocent?

Those parents are idiots. And whatever their alterior motives are, this guy should be locked up regardless. He dangled his baby from a balcony for goodness sakes!!!!! He settled out of court on the previous molestation charges!!!!

I'm sorry, I would fight tooth and nail if someone accused me of something that I was innocent of!!!

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Re: Guilty or Innocent?

I agree with most, I believe him to be guilty. From what I hear he is close to around 300 million in the hole, and will have to sell his Neverland and his rights to the Beatle songs. Now, I don't feel any remorse for him for that at all frown.gif There is alot more evidence against him than just the boys, there are alot of his employees who testified against him. If he gets anything it will probably be parole for a few years, than he has to go through his civil lawsuits.


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Guest Andrea

Re: Guilty or Innocent?

Know who made him the freak he is today???

His daddy. That man is crazy. I used to read a lot about Michael Jackson back when everyone was wearing parachute pants and singing Billie Jean. And I watched that docu-drama about them a few yrs. ago. He abused him and the rest of the siblings. He was also a control freak.

I still don't feel sorry for him though. Anyone who messes with kids needs the chair. But there's no tellling what HIS dad did to him either. You know??

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Re: Guilty or Innocent?


Know who made him the freak he is today???

His daddy. That man is crazy. I used to read a lot about Michael Jackson back when everyone was wearing parachute pants and singing Billie Jean. And I watched that docu-drama about them a few yrs. ago. He abused him and the rest of the siblings. He was also a control freak.

I still don't feel sorry for him though. Anyone who messes with kids needs the chair. But there's no tellling what HIS dad did to him either. You know??

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I remembering seeing a show about the Jacksons and their wacky daddy! Kinda sad but you know what? Even in difficult situations, people still have choices. It's true that most of the Jacksons are kinda weird but not all of them.

And AMEN to the chair. ZAP

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Re: Guilty or Innocent?









It's Tito-riffic when he plays guitar!

Tito has no favorite brothers.."Each of the guys has something I like so I can't pick one over the rest. Jermaine and Michael are great singers, and Marlon and Jackie can really dance and then there are personal things they each mean to me."

Tito is the most serious of the bros.


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