13 year old daughter success!

iron buck

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Pennsylvania has a 3 day JR/Sr doe season where youth hunters & seasoned citizens can take an antlereless deer with a rifle.I took my 13 year old daughter out Saturday morning along with a friend & his 12 year old son. They both scored on nice doe within the first hour in Butler County (Western PA). I set up in the woods in a ground blind with my daughter. She used my single shot Ruger Number 1B in 25-06. The doe came up through an opening 70 yards out & my daughter took her with one shot dropping her in her tracks grin.gif The other JR hunter, Mike was hunting a field edge with his dad when a doe group came into view about 75 yards out. He used his dads Reminton 700 30-06 for a perfect heart shot. Another one shot kill. It was a great day afield. To see the joy in their faces made the hunt even more special. The JR season is an outsatnding idea by the PGC (Pennsylvania Game Commission). It does wonders for getting youths interested in our sport. What an enjoyable outing grin.gifgrin.gif :thumbs:





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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: 13 year old daughter success!

I really like this early hunt for jrs & srs that the PA Game Comission has. I gets the young hunters out & a great chance to get a deer. Sounds like the Game Comission has it going in the right dierction----early hunts for jrs & antler restrictions !! Conglads on the hunt. CB

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Re: 13 year old daughter success!

Iron Buck,

That's Awesome!!!! Much Congrats are in order!!! Congrats to you and you daughter and your buddy and his son. That's the way to build memories that last a lifetime. Way To Go!!!! laugh.giflaugh.gif

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Re: 13 year old daughter success!

Congrats to both! Those are nice does!

Its so much fun to share the experience. I don't have any children of my own so I adopted one a few years ago, a teenage boy whose parents were definitely not interested in hunting, but he way. grin.gif When he shot his first deer, a nice 6 pointer, I was so excited my heart was pounding as if I had shot it! Hes hooked for life now. wink.gif

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