Get rid of these

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Re: Get rid of these

Hi wthunt, I was chasing one those little boogers around my mother-in-laws yard yesterday. Now, I've found evidence of them in my yard. They make a mole trap and it set right over their tunnels. It's designed to trip, when they come back through an exsisting tunnel. Any hardware store should have them. You just packed down part of a tunnel and set the trap above it. Other than poisoning, this is the only way I know of. I tried a big rock on the thing yesterday, but apparently they move to quickly in their tunnels. LOL

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Re: Get rid of these

ditto with norm. our Ohio State Extension office says to control the mole's food source and you will get rid of the moles. if they have nothing to eat, they will move on. i think Merit is one of the best bug controllers now, i'm not really sure.

moles are about the only problem i haven't had in my lawn. of course, now having said that, i'll get them. grin.gif

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Re: Get rid of these

I agree, get rid of the grubs and you should eliminate the problem.

As far as killing out the moles I have always seen people put out bubble gum. True bubble gum in the twisted package. They aren't suppose to be able to digest it and it kills them. How true it is, I have no idea. On the other hand a lot of people around her use it and they swear by it so Im assuming there is some form of truth there. Good Luck.

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