Moving while shooting

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Re: Moving while shooting

You're not "pulling" the trigger! Just like shaun_300 said, you need to slowly squeeze it. Breath out slowly, stop half way, then begin squeezing the trigger.

The way I realized that I was jerking it, was accidently leaving the safety out. My buddy standing behind me said, "WHAT was that?!?!" I guess it looked like I shot and the gun recoiled and everything since I jerked it so much. Only difference, the shell was still in the pipe. grin.gif

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Re: Moving while shooting

If you're target shooting, try having someone go to the range with you and play a game called "ball and dummy."

Have your partner load a live shell, or an empty shell. Make sure you don't watch him/her load the gun. Then do like the other guys say, take a breath, let 1/2 out, and squeeeeeeze the trigger. You will see your flinching when you drop the hammer on a dummy round. The idea is to repeat your shot sequence over time regardless of dummy or live round.

I watched a guy dig cannals in the dirt with his .45 one day because he always anticipated the recoil, and pushed his weapon forward. About 10 times with the range master playing ball and dummy, and he was pretty much cured. Sure was funny to see him push that .45 with dead rounds in it. grin.gif

Now it you're moving while wingshooting, I don't know what to tell you. Wingshooting to me is so instinctual. Try concentrating on "butt, belly, beak, boom." Keep the gun on your face, and don't stop the gun as you squeeze the trigger.

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Re: Moving while shooting

If you are target shooting, your gun should go off and suprise you. Like was stated, you need breathing control and slowly work your trigger back.

I think most of us have had target panic a time or two. That applies to any weapon, even a bow. You will get over it in time. Good luck bud laugh.gifsmirk.gif


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Re: Moving while shooting

You mention that the gun is heavy, are you shooting offhand? If so, I suggest going to a benchrest to sight the gun in. It will save you a lot of $ in ammo. Once the gun is dialed in, you can shoot standing. But, I would use a different gun. I like to use a rimfire as you can shoot often and it does not cost much. The recoil is also minimal so you can work on form not developing a flinch. If hte gun is too heavy, you need to work on upper body strength. use weight training, shouldering the gun a few hundred times a day, etc will help greatly with that.

Shoot some clays to get used to the gun. the light recoiling target ammo will help you a lot. It can be trap, skeet, sporting clays, or just a thrower and a box of birds.

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