Last attempt at sporting clays


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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Last attempt at sporting clays

All shooters will need:

Shotgun - any gauge will do but 12 and 20 are the most popular. Screw in chokes are the best choices since they can be changed as the different target presentations present themselves. A fixed choke barrel will also work. I suggest improved cylinder or a modified choke for most shots. There are a few shots that are longer distance but they can be broken with IC or Mod chokes. The gun needs to be capable of holding at least 2 rounds of ammo. The gun will no thave more than 2 shots in the gun at any time on the range.

Ammo - I plan on shooting 100 shots (4 boxes of ammo) of sporting clays and maybe 50 shots of 5-stand. Shooters can shoot 50 or 100, or even 150 shots if you so feel fit. Get target ammo with no more than 1 1/8 oz of #7 1/2, #8, or #9 shot. One ounce loads will break the target as well as 1 1/8 oz and have less recoil. I suggest no more than 1200 fps. This is a standard heavy target load (3 dram, 1 1/8 oz shot, I prefer #8).

Ear protection - all shooters must have ear protection. You can use plugs or muffs. Plugs are better for wing shooting.

Eye protecion - all shooters should have eye protection. Shooting glasses with changable lenses are the best choice as they can give the shooter an advantage by enhancing the target and blocking out the background. With different colored lenses, the shooter can change colors to match conditions.

Clothing - Shooters should bring something to carry their ammo in. A vest or pouch will work fine. It will probably be hot so a pouch may be desirable over a vest. Some like to shoot in a hat, some don't. I like to. I can block the sun when needed with the visor. It also keeps my ever growing M.P.B. patch from getting sunburnt.

Safety Brief: The shooters will not load the gun until they are on station. While on station the muzzle will be pointed downrange at all times. No more than 2 rounds of ammo in the gun at any time. Actions will be open unless the shooter is on station. Use common sence.

Requirement: Have fun! This is a friendly gathering not a registered shoot so there will be some trash talk, friendly bantering, harrassing, etc.

I will help anyone who asks, and some that don't if I see something blatantly wrong with their shooting or style.

Club Information - You can find info and shooting fees on Shady Grove's website. You can get directions from here

We will shoot in the morning before it gets too hot. We can gather at 07:30 in the parking lot of the range and gather our stuff, have some introductions, and commence shooting at 08:00. Bring a cooler with cool drinks for BS'ing after the shoot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Last attempt at sporting clays

Their web site has prices as follows:


Sporting clays $18 per round 50 shots

Sporting clays $34.00 100 shots

Five stand $7 per round 25 shots

If you decide to tip the puller/score keeper, its additional.

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