suggestion to think about


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hey borch, not to bestow more work on you, but , I seen some awesome photos this year. What do think of a photo contest on the side...different catagories...hunter and bird, harvested bird alone( cause some people are by theirself)...scenery, live birds....other wildlife, and let us members vote on our favorites. Its just a thought and a way to acknowledge something even if your not on the winning team. I think we would see even more awesome pics, and a little more creativity with photos.After a certain date, narrow it down to the best 4 or 5 in each catagory, and let us make a final vote....sounds like a lot work but alot of fun too. Maybe limit ones submissions to avoid excessive photos...just an Idea...

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Re: suggestion to think about

Hang onto those photos guys. There has been photo contests in the photo forums before and I would guess likely again. I'm sure several of these photos would do well there.

Maybe we can figure out when that contest will happen again. If you do a search in the photo forum you'll likely find the info from the last one for reference.

Great job everyone! cool.gif

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