Good nite fot the Strutlets...........


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Me & the Mrs. went to our local NWTF chapter's banquet Friday nite (we had the pleasure of spending the evening with one Snapper).

Every year I sign the Strutlets up for their JAKES membership. Each year they draw from all the JAKES who have been signed up to win a JAKES gun (NEF Pardner 20 ga. with matte finish and laminated stock). Well.........don't my daughter go and get drawn!! The real kicker is, she is 11 years old and was at the sportsmen's club taking her hunter safety course as her name was being drawn. She will be 12 in November and her first hunt will be for turkeys (go figure that one, huh?).

So.........then, if that wasn't cool enough.......there was one firearm among the prizes on the general raffle table. Yep.......another NEF JAKES 20 ga. Yep...........they drew my number!! So now Boy has his first gun, too!!! laugh.gif Those two are walking on air right about now. We're gonna have to bust out some 20 ga. shells and turkey tagets real soon!!

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Re: Good nite fot the Strutlets...........

WOW Strut, the Strutlets hit it big Friday night! Congrats! I'm sure glad for your sake they both won and I bet you understand why too. wink.gif Have fun with the Strutlets at the target range.

I see your daughter will be hunting this fall but you didn't mention your son. How old his he?

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Re: Good nite fot the Strutlets........... was cool indeed, for once Strut was speechless!!


(we had the pleasure of spending the evening with one Snapper).

[/ QUOTE ]

And I had the pleasure of sitting next to Mrs. Strut! grin.gif

In all was really a good time, I look forward to the banquet every year now. Never used to go mainly because I didn't know of anyone else that was going to be there. Thanks to this site I got to meet Strut and the Mrs. and couldn't be more thrilled to spend an evening talkin' turkey and having dinner with such great people!!!!

Wish I could have seen the Strutlets faces when they heard and seen their new guns. wink.gif

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