Guest gfourhunter

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Guest gfourhunter

this is a gladiator. i used them for a long time and love them


this is what i use now. it is a gold tip centurion 100g


anybody ever use them?

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I have some of those mechanicals that my local shop gave to me. He was giving them away because no one would buy them. He gave them away with the understanding that no one was to use them on deer. I would not trust shooting anything larger than a wood chuck with them (which is primarily what I use them for). The ones they gave me have a plastic (it might be carbon, but I doubt it) ferral and do not go togther well. Every one I've shot at or hit a woodchuck with has been destroyed. I can't imagine what a deer would do to the thing.

I can't speak for the Centurion, but the mechanicals are junk.

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Guest gfourhunter


thats why i went to the fixed blade. they are awesome. the ferral on the new gladiaters are composite metal. better than the old ones. ill stick to the centurions.

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