Switched broadheads for this year.


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This year I'll be using the 100 grain G5 Tekan II. I've shoot Spitfires for years, but after putting a Tekan up against a Spitfire in testing, the Tekan edged out the Spitfire in 2 catagories: Penetration and abaility to open time and again.

Both heads had great penetration, but the Tekan actually blew threw a 3D target.

When it cam to the factor of opening, the Tekan opens fully as it starts to enter, where-as the Spitfire needs a bit more time to fully expand which meant the head didn't fully opn until it was inside the target. We decided to keep closing the heads and repeatedly shooting them to see which would fail to open first........don't know why we did this but it seemed like a good idea at the time. The spitfire failed to open after 3 shots, but the Tekan kept opening with very little effort. Even after we cleaned the Spitfire out and replaced the blades, 1 blade continued to fail to open, but the Tekan was still opening without fail.

The spitfire does have the Tekan beat on Cutting diameter and both are equally accurate, but in the end the Tekan won out.

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Re: Switched broadheads for this year.

Fixed blade head can be pulled out by a deer if its a non lethal shot and the deer gets away with an arrow stuck in it. The Tekens blades will act as a barb and not allow the head/arrow to be pulled free very easily by a wounded deer.

Thats what I have been told anyways.

I have never seen a Teken up close so I am not sure.

They look pretty dang cool though. LOL

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