Alpine Archery


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OK here it goes,,,,after a real bad ending to my vacation I got called into work on an emergency,, cutting it short.....I had to work until 3:00am this morning.... frown.giffrown.gif

I decided to check out the forums about 11:00am and see what kind of havic I could stir up... grin.gifgrin.gif,,instead got into a PM swapping match with VTBowman, after awhile of this he asked me to come over and shoot abit, heck I was up to that just to vent and let of some aggression.. grin.gif,,I get there and we were chit -chatting while getting our gear ready, I opened my Bow case and Shawn picks up my Bow which was out of the ordinary(he has never done that before) and here it comes a BIG OUCH he caught a carbon fiber in his hand,,,,after further inspection we found that 3 of the 4 limbs were cracked... crazy.gifmad.gifcrazy.gifsmile.gif, needless to say that was it for the shooting idea....

I head home to call the pro-shop that I bought it from. Of course as you may expect I'm not exactly in the best mood to start with.....I get the owner on the phone and explain to him what has happened, expecting him to say bring that bow to me pronto,,,,,NOPE total opposite I get well that happens too bad,,,,,,not much I can do for you....

Needless to say I wasn't taken back by this,,,I've had more than one run in with this character, as Im sure some of you will remember the release deal.... I slam the phone down ( after a few choice words) in total confusion as what to do,,,,then it hits me I recieved a letter from Alpine after buying my Bow so I go and get it and Whala there is a phone number on it.... cool.gifcool.gif,,,I call and get a nice (Uhmmm real nice sounding lady on the other end..... grin.gifgrin.gifwink.gif) I explained to her what happened and she responds by saying from what she can see on her computer screen this isn't the first instance of complaints on this pro shop and that this would be immediately addressed and gave me the name of another dealer( of which I knew of ) to go to locally, and that she would call ahead to let him know that I was coming in and that their repair and replacement department supervisor would also be calling him.... smile.gif

I get to the shop and was greeted with smiles and was told that everything and anything that he could find wrong with this Bow would be replaced free of charge....and they were starting with 4 brand spanking new limbs..... smile.gif and I should have my BABY back Friday or Sat. ready to shoot once again.... cool.gifsmile.gif

KUDO's .....TEAM ALPINE..... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

Sorry I rambled but as you can tell I'm excited to the MAX.... grin.gifwink.gif

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Re: Alpine Archery

It is great when a company stand behing their customers like that. Coming from Alpine Archery, I would have been surprised by anything less. When I needed spacers for my Alpine Soft-Lok quiver, to clear a new drop away rest,they sent them to me free of charge, including the shipping, and I had them in 2 days. It was even a used quiver, that came with the bow. I wasn't the buyer. Needless to say, a few months later when I was looking for a quiver for my Outback, I didn't hesitate to buy another Alpine. While I'll probably never own one of their bows, as I'm kinda hooked on Mathews, I wouldn't hesitate to buy any of their other products, knowing how they stand behind them.

I'm glad they are taking care of you Luke.

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Re: Alpine Archery

Luke did Alpine want the carbon fiber back from in my hand??? LOL

Actually I did not get any in there, just hoked me a bit. I am just glad we found it like that other then what could of happened.

I knew Alpine would hook you up just like I knew that ^%$%#!^%$#&%$@ guy and his crappy shop would not.

Good for you. hey wanna shoot tommorow?

Oh yes you can't. LOL

Sorry Its my way....

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